accessing a string with a stringname + variable

Let's say I have a door that has it's own variable which is id which is 5

id = 5;

so I want to use this variable so I can access “server.door”+id (id) (the flags)

it checks if #s(“server.door”+#v(id)) == 1, if it’s 1 the door is open, 0 the door is closed.

in what command can I associate identifying a string attach to it a variable?

Re: accessing a string with a stringname + variable

if(strtofloat(#s(server.door#v(id))) == 1) { }

Re: accessing a string with a stringname + variable

if (beholder is gay) dolag;

Re: accessing a string with a stringname + variable

if (moondeath had a friend) wouldn'tbebanned();

Re: accessing a string with a stringname + variable

if (playerenters || timeout) {
timeout = 0.05;