Would it be possible to make a script that draws tiles on the tileset and arranges them on the level? for instance I want to make a bomb that can blow anything up so would it be possible to add tiles of a house in varying stages of getting damaged and then script the bomb to make explosion graphics that change when you explode it again and again???
Here’s a really old script of mine. It was ment as a way to make building destructable by attacking it with swords, bows, bombs, ect…
More or less, what it does when triggered, is replace the tiles defined (in this case, everything within the boundries of the script) with another set of predefined tiles (in this case, dirt tiles). So when attacking it, it slowly decays from a house, to a dirt. This can also be adapted into damaging the ground when a bomb goes off or a tunneling script for digging through rock tiles in caves (as was one of my original intentions). There’s plenty of other uses, but I’ll leave that up to your imagination.
I know it’s a tad complicated, and can be simplified greatly, but I didn’t much know what I was doing when I made this script 5-6 years ago, lol.
Anyway, enjoy!
thank you!! I appreciate this greatly!
that is one funn NPC you got, but one question… what about the inside of the house??
I bet you can use flags or something to tell how bad the outside is damaged and damage the inside once player enters
good idea, will have to see all the stuff you got for this at some point … just have a mess around with the code or somthing.
If you write the damage percentage to a server. flag, then the inside could read that flag and cause random damage depending on the value.
Pretty easy to do. Most of the work would just be tweaking it.
Well I can’t really script except for basic level enhancing npcs but it is an awesome contribution to the community because I know someone around here can use it to make some cool shit for their server instead of the tireless bullshit of wandering around a boring game.