I was wondering if anybody had the bomy lands server on his PC. Someone I was speaking to had a lot of servers like delteria but he didn't have this one. If you have it, could you try and make a server, or atleast send the se rver / script to me? Not to spam, but I can't find a single person who has one. I have a couple bomy files on my PC (not much due to wipe though) and it brought back memories.
Just so you know the G2k1 revision “Bomy Land”
Doesn’t have the old type of Bomy, the bomy in that revision are not player controlled, they’ve been dumbed down, and are meerly pets and unintelligent creatures.
Anywho, wouldn't be difficult to recreate a movement system.
Here's a functional script for player bomies with necessary ganis and graphics.
As for the server copy, I do not have that. Don't make something someone already did, though. Use your own ideas and create something fresh and new. You have the materials, now.
Eh? Doesn't Joey have this playerworld? Unless i'm getting confused here this is the same one with the railroad track right? If it is, whats the point? Being the bomy was bad most of the NPCs were broken anyway and I believe thats because most of it was NPC-Server indepentent.
The scripts I posted work fine offline. However, serverside, I haven't a clue. That's up to him to test. Those shouldn't be too NPC Server reliant because they're centered, heavily, around ganis.
Thanks. for right now I"ll just mess with it to see how this thing is scripted and etc.
I'm not too good at scripting (while I'm decent at level making) but I know a few people who are, and if they want it I'll give it to them. So they may be able to see if it works serverside.
Thank you greatly.
Edit: To avoid double posting, I edited this. Is there a way to perse, after turning the player INTO a bomy, turning him back without resetting stuff, etc?
For example, putting an object and an ifplayertouches script to turn into a bomy, how could I make a ifplayertouches script beside it to turn back without losing look, and etc?
Oh yes, of course. Foolish me. Sorry, I should've known that.
One more thing, once again, showing lack of common knowledge. I knew at one point, but I've forgotten fromt his point. What is one thing bomies have that humans don't which would effect quests?
Example: Bomies can't push the push blocks, or pull the pull ones. Are there any common things that humans dont have?
Herm, well then…
Anything I can do as a script for other languages? Not in ACTUAL other languages, but a scipt that says: If human, “You cannot read the unknown characters on the sign” and if bomy “That jackass beside you can't read the unknown characters on the sign. LOL UNKNOWN.”
Doesn't seem to work so well. Then agian, when I join in unconnected levels than the bomy selection room, it may not work so well. Can this be resolved, or do I simply need to add a teleporter from each level?
Imean, I don't recall a a flag of that either. Is there something I'm missing to do with such?