Cadavre (25)

Happy birthday! I hope you have an awesome day man!

Happy birthday Cadavre. All this time and I never realized you and my brother are the same age but 4 days apart.

Happy birthday! Don’t terraria too hard :smiley:

Good job! I thought you were older.

The maturity-level on this forum is so low that it’s not that hard to act older. :wink: Thanks for the birthday wishes! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday, Have a good one! :wink:

Happy Birthday.

happy birthday cadaver guy

Happy birthday, m8! :slight_smile: Thanks for stickin’ around to keep the forums up, now go get high.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, dude! I hope you have/had a great time.

Naaawh, he’s just the right “age”.

Bitrtharday happey!

Happy birthday, man!

I wonder where I’ll be when I’m 25 years old. :worried:

Playing graal

Happy birthday old man :smiley: just kidding, you’re actually a bit younger than I.
Hope you had a good time and got some cool stuff

Happy Belated Birthday!

Cadavre (25)

Happy late birthday!