Can we ban spooon yet?

No… Really!?
What’s the point in maintaining reborn if Spooon’s going to go around scaring people off…


only when we can ban dylan, joey and hosler.

Dylan isn’t an asshole, and both Hosler and Joey contributes to Reborn in a way.

One of the main issues are:

  1. I like Spooon because I know him and he’s a good guy when you get to know him.
  2. He’s one of the guys that has paid enough to be qualified as owner if this was a company.
  3. I’m not in charge of that, I gave Hosler community admin status to sort out this kind of stuff, and he hired Mollusk and gllt, but none of them does anything. (I can’t blame gllt because he has been away, and he likes spooon anyway, so there wouldn’t be any difference in this matter)

Yayyyy, pay enough money and you can get away with murder. So much for moving on.

Now… tell codr and others who are working on a project to benefit this community why they should even bother?

I kinda like Spooon. Whenever he’s a dick I just remember that he’s like 27 and kind of laugh.

I’m 21.

If he didn’t pay, this site would pretty much be non-existant. And both Codr’s and my project are independent of what happens to reborn.

Shouldn’t this thread be in member complaints with the rest of my collection?

It’s a frequently asked question.

Make a list of things I should be banned for.

I really don’t understand why someone would leave because of what Spooon says. He’s obviously joking.

R- right, guys?

Who left?

Nobody knows.

Nobody leaves GR, they just lurk or idle on PWA.

I dunno about that. Riley’s gone for realz, man. He refuses to even visit while logged out.

spooon IS banned

Oh no!

While that’s true, having people here that actually want it to succeed makes a big difference in keeping me going. I can’t speak for you in that regard.

You’re not longer wanted, Codr. You can go away now.