I have read the Tutorial on GServer hosting and followed Port Forwarding instructions. I am indeed, going through a router.
Here is my information. No-one can connect to the Server, or RC.
[quote]# Server Options
allowedglobalguilds =
aptime0 = 30
aptime1 = 90
aptime2 = 300
aptime3 = 600
aptime4 = 1200
apsystem = true
baddydropitems = false
baddyrespawntime = 60
bushitems = true
clientsidepushpull = true
defaultweapons = true
disconnectifnotmoved = true
dontaddserverflags = false
dontchangekills = false
dropitemsdead = true
globalguilds = true
heartlimit = 3
horselifetime = 10
jaillevels = police2.graal,police4.graal
maps = newmainmap.txt
noexplosions = false
normaladminscanchangegralats = true
playerlisticons = Online,Away,DND,Eating,Hiding,No PMs,RPing,Sparring,PKing
profilevars = Kills:=playerkills,Deaths:=playerdeaths,Maxpower:=playerfullhearts,Rating:=playerrating,Alignment:=playerap,Gralat:=playerrupees,Swordpower:=playerswordpower,Spin Attack:=canspin
setbodyallowed = true
setheadallowed = true
setshieldallowed = true
setswordallowed = true
shieldlimit = 3
staff = sirfluffy(Manager),
staffguilds = Server,Manager,Owner,Admin,FAQ,LAT,NAT,GAT,GP,GP Chief,Bugs Admin,NPC Admin,Gani Team,GFX Admin,Events Team,Events Admin,Guild Admin
staffhead = head25.png
swordlimit = 3
staffonly = false
tilerespawn = 15
unstickmelevel = onlinestartlocal.nw
unstickmex = 30
unstickmey = 30.5
vasesdrop = true
warptoforall = false
Private-Server Options (changestaffacct required)
description = Graal Reborn - A place of games and NPC's
detailedconsole = false
language = English
listport = 14900
listip = listserver.graal.in
maxplayers = 128
myip = rebornweeb.no-ip.org
name = Reborn Wood
serverport = 14802
sharefolder =
showconsolepackets = false
underconstruction = false
url = http://www.graal.in/[/quote]