Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

I have read the Tutorial on GServer hosting and followed Port Forwarding instructions. I am indeed, going through a router.
Here is my information. No-one can connect to the Server, or RC.

[quote]# Server Options

allowedglobalguilds =
aptime0 = 30
aptime1 = 90
aptime2 = 300
aptime3 = 600
aptime4 = 1200
apsystem = true
baddydropitems = false
baddyrespawntime = 60
bushitems = true
clientsidepushpull = true
defaultweapons = true
disconnectifnotmoved = true
dontaddserverflags = false
dontchangekills = false
dropitemsdead = true
globalguilds = true
heartlimit = 3
horselifetime = 10
jaillevels = police2.graal,police4.graal
maps = newmainmap.txt
noexplosions = false
normaladminscanchangegralats = true
playerlisticons = Online,Away,DND,Eating,Hiding,No PMs,RPing,Sparring,PKing
profilevars = Kills:=playerkills,Deaths:=playerdeaths,Maxpower:=playerfullhearts,Rating:=playerrating,Alignment:=playerap,Gralat:=playerrupees,Swordpower:=playerswordpower,Spin Attack:=canspin
setbodyallowed = true
setheadallowed = true
setshieldallowed = true
setswordallowed = true
shieldlimit = 3
staff = sirfluffy(Manager),
staffguilds = Server,Manager,Owner,Admin,FAQ,LAT,NAT,GAT,GP,GP Chief,Bugs Admin,NPC Admin,Gani Team,GFX Admin,Events Team,Events Admin,Guild Admin
staffhead = head25.png
swordlimit = 3
staffonly = false
tilerespawn = 15
unstickmelevel = onlinestartlocal.nw
unstickmex = 30
unstickmey = 30.5
vasesdrop = true
warptoforall = false

Private-Server Options (changestaffacct required)

description = Graal Reborn - A place of games and NPC's
detailedconsole = false
language = English
listport = 14900
listip =
maxplayers = 128
myip =
name = Reborn Wood
serverport = 14802
sharefolder =
showconsolepackets = false
underconstruction = false
url =[/quote]

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

Yeah, did you port foward. . . that's usually the biggest issue. lol
Check out the guide and follow the simple Step by Step Instructions!
Simple enough lol

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial offer good tutorials on how to port forward. If your router supports uPnP you can do it through Windows but i'm too lazy to tell you how since it's a shit method imho.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

Yeah right, if it does, it takes less time to port forward.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

And if all of the above fails, your port still isn't open because you have a firewall denying inbound and outbound TCP activity on said port.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

Simple, I never looked.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

Because were retarded.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

What beholder said. . . lol

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

lol thats the first thing I saw looking at it. Then scrolled down to see 5 differn't answers.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

thank you for the help, i'll try to get my server (Reborn Wood) working.

Re: Cannot connect -Have read the tutorial

^ Seconded

What a crack support team we have lol