Can't connect to Gserver at random times

:o so like every now and then when I want to connect to gserver I can’t locate the server list I even tried the connection problems FAQ help and that didn’t work so yeah guys help me figure this one out?

Re: Can’t connect to Gserver at random times

That was be partly my fault.
I’m working on my GServer, and apparently when it closes, it has a random chance of crashing the listserver. Why it does, I do not know. But logcally that shouldn’t happen =/

Re: Can’t connect to Gserver at random times

Shouldn’t really happen no more, serverlist is now made to restart on random crashes (which shouldn’t really occur either)

Re: Can’t connect to Gserver at random times

It has been doing it alot :frowning: and now I also can’t login to my server even when I have my ports forwarded. I have no clue what to do all I did was update my server to build 58 and the whole thing just went plop.

Re: Can’t connect to Gserver at random times

I can find it and when connecting to it I can’t I have it port forwarded and I have multiple computers that connect to my router myip in server options says AUTO it worked until I updated the server to build 58 after doing so I accidentally erased all my previous levels and graphics so it’s like a newfresh download I refollowed all the same things I did to start it the first time.

Re: Can’t connect to Gserver at random times

It’s working now :smiley: but I’m still confused as to why it did it in the first place I had no problems for like a week.