This is a weird one. I set up a Gserver but I can't connect to it. Oddly enough others can. My friend can host a server and connect to it on the same machine so what can I be doing wrong?
Also I don't allow my firewall to block connections, and the correct ports are open (14802 to 14901)
“GServer Connecting”
Setup Config #1. internet -> Modem -> PC
If your IP is static (never changes), you can ignore getting a account (used to help track your external IP to a DNS).
Go into C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/Etc/ and open “hosts” with Notepad.
Then add the line
(If using a DNS Service like no-ip, change the first part to your domain name)
(If you have a static IP and dont care for a DNS Service, change the first part to your external IP. Which can be found at
Then save the file (You may have to restart for changes to take effect but later versions of windows should be able to accept changes instantly). This will forward your external IP to your current PC's IP (for just yourself), so you connect directly to yourself while others connect externally.