Classic levels

Anyone know where i can get the old classic levels /overworld/gmap from and stuff like that?

Re: Classic levels

Yeh, I was thinking of requesting similar earlier on. Anyone willing to share old playerworlds (Elven Lands, Graal Classic (2000 and 2004), Graal 2001, Unholy Nation, etc), would be really helpful. All the old playerworlds act as great learning tools and inspiration for new worlds.

In saying that, if they are made available, please, for the love of god, don't flood the playerlist with classic servers. I'd rather have a handful of original, new servers than 20+ classic ones, just waters down the already low playercounts.

Re: Classic levels

Among other packs from different times i have all the 2004 Classic levels, Ganis, Text Files and Images, but all those resources alone are not enough to get everything working properly,
im a fairly good scripter but too used to GS2 and the npcserver etc so while i understand the system stuff i can't really identify why some of the weapon scripts work but not others.

Pac got all that stuff working perfectly and i asked him for his updates but i think he lost the CD everything was on.

So i would only want to give it away to those who seriously know what they are doing.

Re: Classic levels

Yeh, makes sense. To be honest, whilst I'd love to get my hands on the stuff to play around with, I think too many would just try to host them. However, a lot of the old playerworlds are 'safe', despite a few bugs due to missing graphics and stuff, but then, I don't particually want to see everyone and their dog hosting all these old playerworlds.

Re: Classic levels

Yes, you'd need a NPC server for most of the scripts on Classic servers. I have every one of those servers listed above, if anyone wants 'em.

Re: Classic levels

I'll take Classic 2004 and Graal 2001 if you have them, lol. Wouldn't mind taking a look through some of the more advanced npc's and see if I can salvage any that are worthwhile or easy enough to convert.

ps. Don't upload or link anything here. Keep it legal. Contact me via PM or something and I'll discuss communicating off the board. I'm after the files for more archival or study, which last time I checked, is classed as fair use (at least covering the graphics, ganis, sounds, etc, as they were available in their original form via client download). Maps and NPCs are more shady probably, but thats what we'll discuss.

Re: Classic levels

a good idea would be to just change the levels untill they are tottaly diffrent maby? because it just makes it quicker and easyer to make somthing tottaly new, just having 100 levels of grass is hard.

Re: Classic levels

Yes I think it MIGHT have NPC's etc I'll have to check but I have both of those. My AIM is joemcgloo. My MSN is [email protected]

Re: Classic levels

I may have some old levels backed up somewhere, but you may find them to be much older than what you're looking for.

Re: Classic levels

lol. Guess this would be just as good a place as any. But, I'm looking for a copy of old Enigma. There were a few good design concepts that I'd like to see, again. I'm having a bit of writers's block with level designs.

Re: Classic levels

The levels I'm talking about are mostly from the 90's, some time before Enigma existed.

Re: Classic levels

any one got zone???
and any event levels?

Re: Classic levels

My question wasn't particularly aimed at you.

Re: Classic levels

I still remember the first day Enigma Graal opened. I snuck into every 'Class' room and had 15 hearts, which was more than even the staff were allowed.

Then I never play, 2 years later I log on, still 15 hearts, still 15minutes of play time.
GP: “Wtf you just started 15 minutes ago! Hacker!”
Eye: “Err, no. I've PLAYED for 15 minutes, doesn't mean I started 15 minutes ago. I played back when the server first opened, when it had classes”
GP: “Liar. Enigma never had classes.”

Then I bitched out Warcaptain for a good half hour, he reset my hearts (:() then let me go.

Re: Classic levels

lol. Warcaptain was something else… Though, I have some good memories from that server. I started that server about 3-4 months before BinaryCrash disappeared.

Re: Classic levels

I might have this verison of Enigma, l'll have to look through my CDs. If I don't have any luck l'll edit my post.

Re: Classic levels

Much appreciated, I look forward to your reply.

Re: Classic levels

I have classic levels from Graal: The Adventure when the 1.3 client was enabled for player use xX
Just tell me the e-mail and I will send them along your way, and to Enigma That was my favorite server during its times I abused the Wings while Pking a bit mutch though. :stuck_out_tongue:
When they turned into Pangaia or w/e they were going to call it when they went through there rip off RPG/Class style versions with Graal 2001/ Classic style looks I got annoyed and nobody played it =(
but when they died I loved that version a little, The older version was indeed the best…