Client progress

Yes but I’m new to it… I’ve seen that feature somewhere once… or maybe I dreamed of it.

Dw, I’m pretty sure 2ndwolf was just trolling.

I’m unsure about the usefulness of bitwise operators in a scripting language… if you plan on providing file IO methods(and I hope you will), they should take care of it by themselves, like uncompressed = openbase64(“compressed.txt”);.

Other than uncompressing and compressing data, rounding values or calculating powers of two; I don’t even know what use bitwise operators have anyway. Therefore I don’t think you should be giving yourself the burden of implementing it to your language.

Also, do you plan on implementing xml document manipulation to your language?

with bitwise operators you can divide and multiply, but the compiler should take care of that already. you can also hold eight boolean flags in one byte.
and i guess someone could script a comm protocol so NPCs could talk to eachother, but that’s wack and probably not needed.

Storing 64 flags in one variable is much more efficient than 64 variables. Bit operations are also good for encryption type stuff.

Why don’t we just use a popular scripting language like Lua so we can appeal to a broader audience? Birth of GS3. It seems to be more properly Object oriented, but the variable type assign is retarded…

I’m on the fence with the idea Codr has going here. A lot of the community members are familiar with GS2 (I assume so anyway), and introducing a language that is similar to GS2 not GS2 may cause a few annoyances. Obviously, developers will have to take the time to study and learn the differences between GS2 and this language, and how it functions. While this is taking place however, I can see development on many servers slowing down because, obviously, we’re not supermen and we can’t simply scan through a page of text and fully understand how it functions. These things take time.

On the up-side though, introducing an improved version of GS2 will be quite helpful in many aspects. Graal Reborn is community-driven, and the developers in-charge of adding/tweaking the language will not hesitate to add anything that the community feels needs added. I’m interested to see what will happen though; nice work Codr.

I hate Lua with a passion.
Edit: To elaborate on this a bit, yes, Lua would almost definitely be faster than what I would do. Is that going to matter? I doubt it. I’d imagine I can eventually come pretty close to its (JIT) speed anyway, but again, I doubt that’ll be necessary. Also, Lua’s syntax is disgusting.

More importantly, as I’ve said before, if you know one language, any other is trivial to learn. The API is where the REAL learning applies.

Also, lmao @ the GS3 shit. Perhaps this is somehow a sign that Stefan was concerned about the bytecode stuff?

variable:type sounds like a bad idea… I’m all in for duck typing regardless of how slow it makes scripts. Hence, shouldn’t there be something in the compilation that assigns variables a type and would make runtime faster?


---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

[/COLOR]Sorry, I meant to respond to this.

I’m not concerned. It’s worth it.

Nowhere near the amount of time you think. There’ll be plenty of examples and documentation to come as well.

When the compiler works 100%, then you can say that.

I know my english is far from perfect but at least I try :slight_smile:

Implying what exactly?

Trying isn’t good enough in this case.

Implying that I express myself much better in french, as it is my first language. Not much of a threat about stopping to post, more like saying that making english phrases feels like a craft to me and that I don’t always feel like crafting; so sometimes my english will sound more crafty. Plus I don’t really see how my last post was bad english so it felt insulting.[COLOR=“Silver”]

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------


Dude, really wtf.

What I meant is: during compilation, variables could get typed by the compiler so the script runs faster. Any better? X_x

Since it’s not your first language, I don’t care. The problem is that there are people who have English as their first and still talk like that.

Yes, the compiler can deduce types a lot of the time, but not always. Having the OPTION to specify a type for increasing performance would be useful, I guess. But forcing it is stupid.

Codr would make an evil english teacher

I’m reposting this now that I can get a new fucking post instead of it being automatically merged.

There’s something I haven’t mentioned yet about my project. I have no intention of designing it for anything but Windows, at least not initially. I’ll do my best to encapsulate the Windows-specific code so that it can be more easily “ported” later, but I have very little Linux coding experience and none at all for Macintrash.

While a decent number of people here might not use Windows primarily, that’s certainly not the case overall. I just thought I’d point that out.

There really shouldn’t be anything you have to use outside of sockets that can’t be platform independent for a scripting language…

That was a reference to the entire client, not the language. The title of this thread IS “CLIENT discussion”.