Client progress

Rou, draw me like one of your French girls.

If you need some piece of software that needs beta testing, donā€™t hesitate to contact me!

Nup, if anyone will test it, itā€™d be spooon, he can break anything.

Then we can call it ā€œcodrā€™s (awesome) unbreakable gameā€

Oh man, I just realized this is the reason Spooon has kids.

Yeah, Iā€™m pretty good at finding bugs.

Jatz 4 Forum Mod 2014

no. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m just jumping on the bandwagon of ā€œwhy is x a y when iā€™m notā€

Seriously though, why is x a y when Iā€™m not?

Jatz is now admin

I get the feeling everyone is an adminā€¦ lol

Pretty much, 'cept you of course.

Could we get this thread back on topic?

No, because thereā€™s nothing to talk about at the moment.

Unexpected and very time-consuming things have happened for me thatā€™re going to have this on hold much more than previously thought. I donā€™t even know when Iā€™ll get back to it. (If at all, but I say that very very skeptically.)

lol Take your time.

This topic is about the client progress and DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS!

I like FORTRAN, PYTHON, BASIC AND CHEESE thus we should developer our client using these. /sarc

Why is python in your list of sarcastic languages?

I wanted to ruffle some jimmies and confuse people. Actually none of those languages are actually ā€œbadā€ per se.
If you really want to get jimmie rustled go to /g/ at 4chan you will find 12 year old kids that say C++ is a bad language because ā€œlulz itā€™s oldā€ā€¦ That and all the smart phone and windows 8 circle jerkingā€¦