Cool Casino thing i made!

All Credits go to me :D!!!
Casino Machince :

Fixer :

Makes Everything work :

If you have any ideas or anything that may have a bug please tell me i will fix it or update.

Pretty crappy.

if you dont have anything nice to say, then SHUT UP… try helping him make it better not critisize him for not getting it right.

Shut the fuck up. How about I give my opinion, and you mind your our fucking business.

[QUOTE=Spooon;5856]Shut the fuck up. How about I give my opinion, and you mind your our fucking business.[/QUOTE]

i dont see how swearing at me get your message across anymore that just asking me nicly to “mind my own business”.
making a post on a Public Forum is everyones business. :smiley:

Perhaps, but haven’t you fags been the ones that flip out when I critisize your opinions. I wasn’t critisizing his work. I was telling him that I think it’s crappy. Which it is. Stop coming up with stupid come backs to everything I post.

but if i did smart come backs you wouldnt understand them…

I would have to agree with Spoon, it is crappy

It’s not very much of a casino machine.
You’re not gambling, you lose and risk nothing.
It’s meerly an NPC which gives you money with a chance of breaking down, in which you molest the Fixer to poof it back to normal O_o

The point of him posting the npc is to show it off and to get suggestions on how to make it better or what he could do different. So i agree with Negitar. Also spooon try to control your temper. :wink:

Seeing as how he still hasn’t replied to any of our posts, I don’t really think he cares.

umm hes not been back on after he posted it, he could be busy or lost his login?

I don’t care. It’s a crappy script.