I know it has been awhile, I would have posted this in my old thread but it appears to be locked or something. The server isn’t dead, just slowed, but I am picking up speed again. I grossly underestimated the amount of time it would take and what I had left to complete. I am not going to make any promises this time, but I’m hoping this won’t take too long. However, I do not have my server machine anymore and I may need to find a place to host Costa De Agua.
I had to do some reworking and tweaking on the tileset and the system, nothing really major. There are small differences in the buildings which I hope will expand the ability to have many different custom buildings that look somewhat cohesive. Or at least have enough building tiles to make Graal appear more diverse. The system didn’t need much working except to change how damage is calculated differently betwen Bows, Guns, and Handheld weapons. Making Guns based mostly on accuracy and bows and swords have different mixtures of accuracy and power.
A lot done since I last posted. I finally had got around to creating all the weapons systems and graphics, more then just the sword anyway. I have completed the shotgun, the pistol, and the bow, although it doesn’t take much to complete that. Currently working on the blunt objects attack system/graphics, baseball bats, shovels, maces, etc what have you. Also, I have completed quite a few baddies, almost up to 10 now lol. I posted a couple below and am working on completing them as well. Any help with baddie graphics would be appreciated.
The overworld is not anywhere near complete, but I have most of the first island completed. What I have on my to do for right now is the Master Items List so that all items can have a reference. I also need many graphics for generic items (potions, shells, food, anything really) if anyone feels like donating some. They just need to be 32 x 32 in png format, preferably using the 0,0 black instead of the Graal 41,41 black. Although I can fix that stuff myself. Ended up just doing a simple trade system using trade houses and marketplaces. Couldn’t really figure out anything else. Completed the buy/sell system and shop NPCs. Working on motorcycles and bikes for transport as well. What I really need are more suggestions and some graphics help, I like to do most of the NPC scripting and level work myself. There are just so many graphics that need to be made for the items and baddies and weapons and vehicles that I can’t possibly make them all. But I do want to have a significant portion of all of this done before I release. Mostly because the server won’t really be all that great if everything isn’t working together.
If you want to submit any graphics email them to [email protected], or if you know anywhere to get a cheap decent server or are willing to host a Graal server.
Patience is the key for any well run server. I’d just like to thank all of the Administration from Graal Reborn for making all of this possible.[br][br]Double Posted on: May 29, 2008, 03:34:28 PM_________________________________________________[br]Two more