Is it possible to disable the bushitem graphic on carried items?
I know that gani attribute P3 is a carried image, but even when setting that, other players see a bush item on top of whatever I'm carrying. The player carrying the item does not see a bush, just other players. It's a little annoying if you want to pick up a crate and hide in it, and you stand out like a sore thumb in a storage room as a bush, lol
Sidenote, don't trust canbecarried; NPCs
They bugger up so easily (throw it underneath another NPC can disable the whole thing)
Plus, they're messy and for prolonged periods or just when you change levels, even on the official graal, it does turn into a bush for other people.
Hell, I remember I once had an NPC trying to walk away as I was carrying it.
Just beware, in the case of lifting/throwing/hidding.
There are a lot of built in functions that cannot be disabled one at a time, and some more built in functions which cannot be properly mimiced.
Oh, I know. I actually tried making my own lift system a while back, when canbecarried first started causing problems. I never finished, because I had quit Graal before hand, but I did get basic carrying and throwing working. It didn't look pretty, but it worked. Only downside is, I lost that script, so I have to start from scratch. Stupid graal and it's broken features, lol