When working on the client login, I was slightly worried that I was gonna crash your list server coz I don't know how robust it is. So I banged together my own. I don't know if you guys are gonna release yours so I dont know If you want me to release mine. Basically, mine is hard coded (kinda) to only allow for local host logins as shown by the pictures below…
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Perhaps we can release this? because then people can develop their graal servers whilst gunfighting in Iraq or on a plane with no internet connection whilst at the same time there is no risk that their list server could conflict with yours.
I've requested the new listserver source but Joey told me it's 'beat up' pretty much and was told to use an older version. I would like to use this and its scoure.
Once you have the base windows application, it doesn't take long to add your own code. Such as an if statement is simply
JNZ <value 1> <value 2>
Although the windows version I use removes any redundant lines from the source when I save it so you find it misses lines such as line 4. Makes it kinda messy.
I need at least 3 for the 3 things im working on otherwise it will become a right mess. Dont worry, ill soon have coursework from the uni to work on too.