Developer ListServer

Hello… Me again :stuck_out_tongue:

When working on the client login, I was slightly worried that I was gonna crash your list server coz I don't know how robust it is. So I banged together my own. I don't know if you guys are gonna release yours so I dont know If you want me to release mine. Basically, mine is hard coded (kinda) to only allow for local host logins as shown by the pictures below…

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Perhaps we can release this? because then people can develop their graal servers whilst gunfighting in Iraq or on a plane with no internet connection whilst at the same time there is no risk that their list server could conflict with yours.

Its up to u guys!

Re: Developer ListServer

I've requested the new listserver source but Joey told me it's 'beat up' pretty much and was told to use an older version. I would like to use this and its scoure. :slight_smile:

Re: Developer ListServer

kk ill PM u it

Re: Developer ListServer

release it, no one really minds.

The new one relies on the database here, as well as extra tables for guilds etc… some stuff in it is specific-to-gr etc.

Re: Developer ListServer

OK, its attached.

It only will work on localhost because there is already a perfectly good one at :stuck_out_tongue:

Joey, do you have the source for your list server or just a binary?

Re: Developer ListServer

both :o

Think you can send me source, kinda curious on how you did it =P

Re: Developer ListServer

yeah sure, its attached.

Re: Developer ListServer

oh… assembly ;(.

Seems like that took a while o.O

Re: Developer ListServer

Once you have the base windows application, it doesn't take long to add your own code. Such as an if statement is simply

JNZ <value 1> <value 2>

Although the windows version I use removes any redundant lines from the source when I save it so you find it misses lines such as line 4. Makes it kinda messy.

Re: Developer ListServer

Your like a development releasing machine

Re: Developer ListServer

Maybe a little bit too fast. Could you make one main topic with everything and edit when needed? I'm getting confused. :frowning:

Re: Developer ListServer

I need at least 3 for the 3 things im working on otherwise it will become a right mess. Dont worry, ill soon have coursework from the uni to work on too.

Re: Developer ListServer

I don't know nothing about assembly, I'd love to learn if someone wouldn't mind teaching =P.

But to get to the point, I wouldn't even know how to compile it ;(