Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
Ohnoes!! We's been RickRoll'd!!
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
When I saw this topic I literally thought to myself:
“Era! Era! Do want! Do want! MUST HAVE!”
Then I saw it was a rickroll >:(… t.t I am sad.
Also, The video was removed from YouTube =P.
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
I promote this let down.
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
Woah. 'Tis a rickroll.
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! TT TT TT TT i wanted era!!! era!!! era!!!1
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
I don’t get it. Era is easy to get in Graal Reborn… -.-
I made an Uzi that works in Graal Reborn (Doesn’t shoot fireballs or arrows, mind you… Shoots bullets), why can’t you just replace all the guns with functional ones? Everything should stay intact.
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
Keep in mind you were the only one to actually follow through with any advice I gave and actually made a gun, instead of copy & pasting it. XD
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
ugh omg why do i always fall for this shit
Re: Era avaliable for Graal Reborn!
I still promote this let down. You guys deserve it, Lol
As the creator of everything, I deem this topic lame and full of fail.
you have no power over this forum… but i do tend to agree
fail smiley is fail
Era newbies are made of fail.