Finally, A game that is a bigger rip off than Graal...

As you can see this game “Limbo of the Lost” seems to be 99.9% a rip off of other games and graphics, mainly of Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion… Looks like GraalOnline needs to find more stuff to rip off to stay competitive these days…

LoL, if you like i could rip off all the other PlayerWorlds gfx that i can find and use them in my PlayerWorld… but its hard for me not to do that as its soo much easier and i cant draw on PC to save my life :D.


Thread: Looks too similar?

uhmm is it just me or has graal coppied almost every T.V. show or game out there?

Zone-Gravity Hammer… wtf?? isnt that from Halo 3, and Graal’s making money off of it selling it for gelats…

Playeroworld-Heads- Ive seen spiderman heads,kirby,luigi,toad,dbz,naruto,pokemon, and even WILL SMITH?
lots more–

Im not sure if graals got permission to use some of theese but still, it would be nice to see some creativity.

I’m not that sure… :smiley:

Those rip-offs are what make graal enjoyable and addictive no?

Holy shit, I never thought of using screenshots of games as backgrounds for an adventure title. Might be a cool project to do as a freeware thing.