Fire God

Name: Fire God
Type: Enemy
Author: John Doe
Description: A god of fire chases the player where ever they go.
Note: Can only be damaged by sword. Set NPC image to nyght_firegod.png (Can be any image.)

if (playerenters) { drawoverplayer; dontblock; this.xspeed=0; this.yspeed=0; this.hearts=10; this.hurttime=0; this.maxspeed=1; this.accel=.025; timeout=.05; } if (timeout) { if (this.hurttime>0) { if (visible) { hide; } else { show; } this.hurttime-=.25; timeout=.25; } else { drawoverplayer; dontblock; if (!visible) { show; } if (playerx>x) { this.xspeed+=this.accel; if (this.xspeed<0) { this.xspeed+=this.accel; } if (this.xspeed>this.maxspeed) { this.xspeed=this.maxspeed; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed+2, y)) { this.xspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed+2, y+1)) { this.xspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed+2, y+1.99)) { this.xspeed=0; } } else { this.xspeed-=this.accel; if (this.xspeed>0) { this.xspeed-=this.accel; } if (this.xspeed<-this.maxspeed) { this.xspeed=-this.maxspeed; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed, y)) { this.xspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed, y+1)) { this.xspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+this.xspeed, y+1.99)) { this.xspeed=0; } } if (playery>y) { this.yspeed+=this.accel; if (this.yspeed<0) { this.yspeed+=this.accel; } if (this.yspeed>this.maxspeed) { this.yspeed=this.maxspeed; } if (onwall(x, y+this.yspeed+2)) { this.yspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+1, y+this.yspeed+2)) { this.yspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+1.99, y+this.yspeed+2)) { this.yspeed=0; } } else { this.yspeed-=this.accel; if (this.yspeed>0) { this.yspeed-=this.accel; } if (this.yspeed<-this.maxspeed) { this.yspeed=-this.maxspeed; } if (onwall(x, y+this.yspeed)) { this.yspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+1, y+this.yspeed)) { this.yspeed=0; } if (onwall(x+1.99, y+this.yspeed)) { this.yspeed=0; } } x+=this.xspeed; y+=this.yspeed; putexplosion .5, x, y; timeout=.05; } } if (washit) { if (this.hurttime<=0) { this.hearts-=playerswordpower; if (this.hearts > 0) { blockagain; canbecarried; this.hurttime=(this.hearts*.3); timeout=.25; } else { whattodrop=random(0,4); if (whattodrop<1.5) { if (playerfullhearts>=5) { lay heart; } else { lay fullheart; } } else if (whattodrop<2) { lay redrupee; } else if (whattodrop<2.5) { lay bombs; lay bombs; lay bombs; } else if (whattodrop<3) { lay darts; lay darts; lay darts; } else if (whattodrop<3.5) { lay heart; lay heart; lay heart; } else { lay goldrupee; } timeout=0; } hide; } else { putexplosion 3, x, y; this.hurttime=0; } }

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