Okay so after not playing Graal for years, I thought I’d checkout all the servers currently online and see what’s going on with each.
First server I got on was Requiem. Very friendly crew, server seems busy. 11 people were on here, nobody on any other server.
I have to say I love the classic servers… 3 Graal Classic and Graal: The Adventure.
Why havn’t they teamed up to make the ultimate Classic remake? 3GC Seems to be a little a head, as far as scripting and the overworld goes.
Greaal Reborn … I take it this is new lol?
Sentinal looks really well presented. These type of custom servers have never been my personal cup of tea, but I do admire/appreciate the work that’s gone into it.
PluffyWorld came online as I was writing this post - it has that logo that I’ve seen oh so many time on the official Graal forums, but I can’t remember who used it. Server seems very heavily under construction? After looking at the map, I figure this is just some inside-joke lol?