Gani Manipulation

How would I manipulate what file a .gani gets its sprite images through scripting arguments?

the purpose is to make an actual equip system which will affect how the character looks in-game (different coats, hats, capes, weapons, etc.)

You can use the different parms for it, check newfeatures.txt

i was actually wondering if i could use more than 3 params… i need one for hat, armor, leggings, gloves, weapon/shield1, weapon/shield2, shoes…thats 7 parameters there and GraalShop only shows 3 available

[QUOTE=DJRehab86;5409]i was actually wondering if i could use more than 3 params… i need one for hat, armor, leggings, gloves, weapon/shield1, weapon/shield2, shoes…thats 7 parameters there and GraalShop only shows 3 available[/QUOTE]
I think you will have to manually edit the gani with wordpad or something like that.

It’s funny a similar thing has arisen in the correct section,