Graal crashes

My girlfriend ( known as “ikillufish” around here) is having problems with the graal client causing her PC to lock up immediately after connecting to my server. Total crash requiring a reboot.
She’s not really proficient in PC’s (but not a total n00b, I assure you), but I can’t really get many more details than that. Help?
Ok, we tweaked some settings, and not have a slightly better situation.
Rather than straight up crashing, she’s stuck in a limbo of loading. It’ll put her in the game for about half a second and then disconnect her. It’ll load again, d/c, load, d/c, until she kills the process ctrl + alt + del style.

Magic fix?

Re: Graal crashes

A sad story, I must say. :cry:

Re: Graal crashes

Can she play graal in offline mode? and some random things to try is maybe redownloading the client. If your client is corrupted a bit it will autoboot you from servers after connecting for a second. Other then that maybe a troublesome antivirus running? blocked graal port(14900)?