graal:// Protocol

*renamed thread title


Attatched to this post you will find a version of your graal.exe that accepts as parameters. Also, as you can find out if you run it with incorrect login details, when you go back to the menu… it is now 800x600, because I was told a bigger menu would be better?

now you can connect to


…or at least you could if it was registered to it :slight_smile:

actual usage is demonstrated in example.bat, just copy both to ur graal 2.17 folder and run… although u need to change the default values in example.bat first.


Re: Very Slightly Improved Graal Client 2.17.1


Re: Very Slightly Improved Graal Client 2.17.1

yer like in first post i have all the source on the online cpp account
Username: zclient
Password: zclientpass

its called g2171.cpp

*decided to make an account just for this forum's project, so you can also find it here:

Password: password

Re: Very Slightly Improved Graal Client 2.17.1

Hello Karsten,

well done. Sounds like a pretty nice idea to me, I'll give it a try when I come home from work.

Oh and while we're at it…

I would like to ask how to register such services so that they could be used in foo://bar requests? (with WinXP SP2)

As far as I know it just needs some simple entries in the registry… could you please give an example? At least I remember that I once had a *.reg file which registered a protocol for such requests (btw. how do u call those “protocol://arguments” stuff? URL requests?)

It's something I always wanted to know but never managed to look up yet.

Re: Very Slightly Improved Graal Client 2.17.1

There is a brief article on it on the MSDN

all you need to do is replace the example “alert.exe” with the future reborn graal launcher to accept the arguments.

(Default) = “C:\Program Files\Alert\alert.exe” “%1”

notice the %1?

its just like batch where it redirects the arguments. I dont know much about batch but we could add %2 %3 %4 for each argument to be correctly passed… so

(Default) = “C:\Program Files\Alert\alert.exe” “%1 %2 %3 %4”

(I never tested but we may only need the %1 because then it will pass up the whole argument string to be broken up later)

And thats about it

*A simple vbscript could set these registries when the client is installed, or the future reborn lancher could every time its run.