I'm sure the graal reborn server will make things alot more enjoyable but i just thought i should bring up the point that none of the playerworlds are very play-able.
Everyone seems to be able to make good npcs and large seemingly complete overworlds but can never make replicas of the graal servers that have been around for years, the ones with 30 odd players on a regular basis, that communitys formed on, with about 8-13 max hearts and town centers packed with oldbies with 10,000+ kills and deaths that had occasionally been staff, long-term spar champions,and all that other stuff that you see in servers like graal classic, delteria, UN, that are still around today, hell even when babylon dissapeared from 'the list' and lost its newbie-generating ability, if you typed it in and connected a year ago there were still about 18 people online.
Theres a lot of pics1 tileset, baddy-quest classic type servers but they just don’t work. They have staff that know what they’re doing, and good npcs and alot of potential but people just aren’t asking themselves “what would it be like if i couldn’t run at 100mph with my boots”. To give and example, Xoria among other pws seems to be trying to mould itself into this “perfect world” description, but like i said most places are like, unintentionally staff-only servers, with 20 hearts + statues of themselves everywhere.
I'f there was just a server with an old classical town center and only as many staff as it really needs (hell, look how well sentinel is doing with just beholder, theres no need for all these places run by somones large group of real life freinds) and enjoyable quest, 8-15 hearts, level 3 swords and shields, a pk level and spar and no constant resets and corrupt staff testing on players, i, (and im sure that a lot of other people seeing as we seem to get 'latest member's every day) would play alot more.
Sorry, didn't mean the pics1 thing that way, what i ment was like, that alot of the good classical playerworlds use that tile set, and that theres playerworlds on gr in the same style, but that fail
lol you can still script better gameplay, screw quests.
And I pretty much agree with everything Curze said. I just don't know so much what to do about it, or have willpower to put forth trying. If any of the primary established servers wanted to try a push for content, with everyone submiting something i'd be game for sure tho.
[edit] OH NO! My hot lady avatar is gone, webhost went down deleting all the online storage with it. Screw sites like thirdage, they're made for senior citizens, so they assume you'll die and they can delete all your sites.
It sounds like you want the simple days back with graal classic pree-2001 which is cool. I think we're donig great as is right now. I'm currently making a playwerworld with the time I have and I'm trying a lot of things out (THX beholder for flying Unixmad head with lazers shooting out of eyes.)
I think the months where we should expect the most graal population should be summer and new years. I'm happy graalreborn site is up along with the list server which i think is the main thing we want. The longer we're up the more we're known and hopfully the other thnig we need is to keep our domain name as well and we'll be fine.
You know, I miss Babylon. That server… it worked, man. That’s the only way to describe it. It worked. It was simple, yet brilliantly executed. Somebody needs to go find and jack the 2001-2003 Babylon levels. I think '01-'02 was the prime of Babylon. Man, that was fun… Until those gay hippies took it down. Damn hippies.
Hey if you guy realy would like an old Player world then just ask… would Classic do you? or Unholy… Hell i even got 2001, Maloria and some others that have been used on the server i was Head LAT on.
(and i would be up for a trade for Enigma as well :D)
Hey if you guy realy would like an old Player world then just ask… would Classic do you? or Unholy… Hell i even got 2001, Maloria and some others that have been used on the server i was Head LAT on.
(and i would be up for a trade for Enigma as well :D)
wtf? dont say you have backups of these servers? o_O
Well have any you ever been a Head LAT, i had access to all of the level on the server and i could update and edit any of they as long as the server was online…
So i made copies for me to work on if the server was down when i wanted to work on it, still got them too
im not sure how well they work offline but they work pritty well offline.
I haven’t had a server to play with for a while, but i kept on tinkering with them for a while, At most only some things should be bugged anyone could fix it up easy.
so do you guys REALY want the files?? whos going to host them?
sod it Here just remember you may need to work on them a bit… http://deryth.plexersoft.com/Download.htm ( its at the top in BIG GREEN CAPS)