.Graal to .NW batch converter.

Seriously… Did no-one read spooons post? Or am i the only one…

They love pissing me off.

i think it finally came to the point where my brain just filters out whatever he says.

I hate agreeing with other people but it’s true. :frowning:

anyone got a .zelda converter?

O_o those are SO old I wouldn’t be surprised if no one has a .zelda to .graal converter any more.

Worse comes to worse, get graal 1.41 and re-save every level.

That’s a good idea. :open_mouth:

Couldnt you just change this:

@echo off
rename *.graal *.nw

To this?:

@echo off
rename *.zelda *.nw

Then rename it renamer.bat or something?

They’re different formats.
.zelda is from old Java Graal.
.graal is from old Delphi Graal
.nw is a port from old ‘New World’ and C++ Graal

Ah, it’s in C++ huh? That’s a new snippet of information for me!!

Anything before Graal 1 was Java
Anything up to Graal 2.3 / New World is Delphi
Anything past Graal 3 is C++

graal 7 will be programmed in html5

wooo!!! html 5 is the way of the future!


Actually, .zelda is nearly identical to .graal. They use the same internal format. The only difference is that .graal adds a section for NPCs. And eventually adds a section for chests.

It would not be hard to program a .zelda to .graal converter. How many .zelda files are you looking to convert? The Graal client should be able to load .zelda files just fine.

This thread is old, but after intensive tests to setup my classic world, here’s what the converter does:

It converts any file with graal levels inside, no matter the extension, to .nw files.
Worked for me with : .zelda, .graal, .sil, .lost
It converts every link of every level and NPCs to .nw as well.

These converted levels can be opened in notepad, as opposed to older files like .zelda, .graal, etc.

So this converter is perfect if you don’t have any level name duplicates, otherwise it’ll mess up your server…

The feature that is missing would be to convert the content of the files into readable text without changing every extension to .nw, or to detect any form of conflict and ask the user for the solution to apply.

However I have no idea who made this converter, and though I could make a C++ program to enhance it, I have no clue what’s the algorithm to convert all kind of outdated graal files into nice and shiny .nw …

The code for reading .graal and .zelda files is in the gserver source. I’m converting that into C# for my client project. :slight_smile:

Gserver 2.4.0 won’t load older .zelda files, which is why this part of the .graal to .nw converter algorithm might be useful…

Is there any alternate client that shows significant progress in terms of playability?

The gserver should have no issue with this. Try the code out and see if it does anything for you. There really should be no problems with it.