GServer will not work

If you run the Gserver and the server shows up on the serverlist, but no-one can connect, this is the solution most likely.

Firstly, make sure you are on the computer connected to the router directly. Then, go to your router settings and find the option that says something like Port Fowarding or Virtual Server. When you get there, it will ask for a type of Incoming port, and pick TCP.

EDIT (Use this first and use below if this doesnt work):[quote]

Only need to port forward 14902 (or what ever you have designated as your GServer's Listening port)
14900 and 14900 are for different things, they are if you're hosting a listserver and what not.


Then open 3 different sets of ports, and when it asks for 2 ports in each row, they should be the same and look like this:


Make sure if it asks for a Private IP adress you probably need to set it to your individuals computer IP address, which you can find in your router settings usually under DHCP Client List or Computers Connected, and find the IP that is by your computers name.

Then once you have done this, and you have made sure you have saved these settings, Restart your Gserver and make sure you have level('s) in your worlds folder located in the same directory as your Gserver. You should make sure additionally that you have your settings.ini and newaccount.ini files setup correctly with the right listserver, etc.

If anyone has further questions, ask me or someone else who you think may be able to help. I went through this too… lol. Thanks to Beholder, Uiaad, and Spooon for helping me.

Re: [ Solution ] - GServer will not work

:open_mouth: Am i right in thinking that my server wont work because i have wireless now… -_- >:(

Re: [ Solution ] - GServer will not work

No :open_mouth:
While I highly recommend not hosting on wireless, ever. You can infact host on wireless, its that for most of the steps for prepping your server to work, require you to use a land/ethernet/physical line for configurations.