Guess who's back, lock n load baby!

From that guy who brought you xeraxtor… comes a whole new epic journey all in one graal server…
Lucivore! Comming Soon To A Graal Client Near You :slight_smile:

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!


Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

I heard it got bad ratings. :wink:

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

Well the first classic server i had was great, there's even a video on youtube that i recently found lol… and then i tried to go modern to an era type server… i guess you all know where that brought me… yess… rock bottom, so i'm back makin another classic server, this time Lucivore is gonna kick ass!

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

I rather see the era-type of server again, It felt as though it was going to be as good as what Sentiel has. I rather not see another classic server, I want to see what users can really do with new content. I vote for your era-type of server to be back-up and worked on.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

Damnnn straight. I loved scripting for a modern server ^_^.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

Fuck it, sit back n enjoy the server… if anyone starts a era server again i'll gladly help work on it

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

i am going to start one when the nc is up i cant script good without it most of my scripts are based offa it

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

lol “When” could be a very long time. (Or never?)

There is server.strings to do things server-wide.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

why wont you guys just make the damn era-type server im tired of all these fucking classic servers just becuase its too hard, ill help you i got all the files u can ever need for era . sorry for the swearing but i had too thats why we
dont have alot of people becuase they want a dam era-type server,i want
one too.LETS DO THIS!!! i would make mine but…i cant host cuase i have cable internet

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

Dude, you are seriously obnoxious.

  1. Learn to type.
  2. Don't necro-post.
  3. Chill out.
  4. Stop nagging.
  5. Stop whining.
  6. Do a little research. Don't attempt to do something that you know nothing about and expect people to hold your hand and walk you through all of it.

Also, if you're going to apologize for cursing, maybe you shouldn't do it, period. It makes you sound younger and more immature than you, obviously, already are.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

I read a story once about a dude “Porking the bone”, it was called something along the lines of Your friendly neighbourhood necro.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

What? And you don't? Two's for the win, baby. With l33t-sk33t sauce.

Sounds like a kinky story. See if you can find it.

Re: Guess who’s back, lock n load baby!

This topic is going down hill, as far as I know this 'server' isn't even around so I'm going to close this thread before it gets out of hand. If the topic creator pms me about opening it, I'll do so.

Also to add, you all need too just shut the fuck up because your going down to the 'person' level and your not looking anymore mature than they are.
