hey pplz im nick,i had graal reborm once before but got bored with it,now that zodiac is really messed up on graal online ive come back lol,i hope i get a welcome or two 8)
Re: Hello pplz
Poop. I don't ever recall you, and I was around when it started. >:(
Welcome back anyway.
Re: Hello pplz
well back then i was never into forums they always just got on my nerves,they still kind of do but i found out how to work em so its all good,anyway i dont remember anyone on top of it all so i have no clue about anyone, or barely even myself =p
but anyway thanks for te welcome back lol
Re: Hello pplz
Ah yeah welcome back Nick.
Back on the old forums no one really posted. . . well sort of. lol
It was confusing times with Anti-Blah.
Well, all in the past.
Any who~
Welcome back Nick.
I do love that signature of your's. lol
Re: Hello pplz