Hi Graal Reborn!

Hey! I wanna say hello to everyone and a big “Thanks” to all the devs!

I will be more active on the forums… Right now, i’m working on my own PW!
I won’t release it before it’s playable!

To everyone, PM me if you need help in your PW! I’ll help everyone asking!

See ya in-game!

Sounds cool man, look forward to your results, give us a little sample though. :frowning:

Just a little taste. :smiley:

[quote=RileyFiery;6233]Sounds cool man, look forward to your results, give us a little sample though. :frowning:

Just a little taste. :D[/quote]
Yeah sure! Here is a little preview:

It’s empty but if things are going well, i will release a semi-playable world soon!
All i need to add is relief… Mountain… Stuff like that! Main city is almost done!
Back to leveling/scripting… See ya!!! :smiley:

[QUOTE=Bl00DGuY;6234]Back to leveling/scripting… See ya!!! :D[/QUOTE]
Good luck with that!

From the looks of that map, I think I have seen your world quite a few times.
Except I got stuck in the water and couldn’t get out. lol Well I didn’t feel like “unstickme”.
Anyways . . if I am right about seeing it before, looks good! Can’t wait to see more. :smiley:

Woot another PW… good luck hope to see more soon.

at this rate we should have a sub-forum just for PW screenshots with a thread for each PW so we can see how each is developing.

Yeah, that sounds pretty good negitar. :smiley:
Then again we do have the Playerworld section, though technically you are only suppose to discuss what playerworlds you like to play on, rather than advertise. lol
If you were to split a sub forum for each playerworld . . xD
You would end up with hundreds later on.

no not a sub for each PW… a sub for hosting threads for each PW (1 sub, many threads)

Ah, that makes more sense. Then again like I said . . . people just use the Playerworlds section.

kk, good idea, you should have said that to begin with. lol.

and agian welcome to reborn Bl00d, hope you enjoy your stay :stuck_out_tongue:

Then again we do have the Playerworld section, though technically you are only suppose to discuss what playerworlds you like to play on, rather than advertise. lol



Also . . . Blood has been here :smiley: Muahaa Score 2 for Riley!

Bleh. Another PW. Yay…

[QUOTE=Spooon;6287]Bleh. Another PW. Yay…[/QUOTE]

Such a downer :smiley:
More PW more fun! 0.0 Eh sort of.