
Name: Hookshot
Type: Weapon
Author: Shadow Knight
Description: Classic Hookshot. Pulls player to stakes and signs. Pulls droppable items. Damages players.
Notes: Required images attached.

function hook_properties() { this.max_range=20; //The range range of the hookshot DEFAULT:20 this.player_damage=1; //The damage it causes a player DEFAULT:1 this.baddie_damage=2; //The damage it causes a baddie DEFAULT:2 this.npc_damage=0; //The damage it causes a npc DEFAULT:0 this.takeitem=1; //If you want it to be able to pick up items make it equal 1 DEFAULT:1 this.takebomb=0; //If you want to be able to pull bombs toward the player DEFAULT:0 //make it equal 1 this.stakepull=1; //If you want it to pull you toward a stake make it equal 1 DEFAULT:1 this.playerpull=0; //If you want it to pull you toward a player make it equal 1 DEFAULT:0 this.baddiepull=0; //If you want it to pull you toward a baddie make it equal 1 DEFAULT:0 this.npcpull=0; //If you want it to pull you toward a npc make it equal 1 DEFAULT:0 this.hitreturn_baddie=0; //If you want the Hookshot to return when it hits a DEFAULT:0 //baddie make it equal 1 this.hitreturn_player=0; //If you want the Hookshot to return when it hits a DEFAULT:0 //player make it equal 1 this.hitreturn_npc=0; //If you want the Hookshot to return when it hits a DEFAULT:0 //npc make it equal 1 this.hitreturn_item=1; //If you want the Hookshot to return when it hits a DEFAULT:1 //item make it equal 1 this.hitreturn_bomb=0; //If you want the Hookshot to return when it hits a DEFAULT:0 //bomb (must have a bomb option active) make it equal 1 this.explodebomb=0; //If you want to explode a bomb when hit make it equal 1 DEFAULT:0 this.laybomb=0; //If you want to be able to lay the bomb that you picked up DEFAULT:0 //with the hookshot before it bring it back to you //(by pressing the "d" button) make it equal 1 //EDIT ABOVE HERE // //FOR MORE DETAIL ON HOW TO EDIT THIS OR WHAT THE PROPRTIES DO READ THE TEXT FILE //THIS CAME ALONG WITH THIS. // check_level(); } if (created) { x+=.5; y+=.5; } // //DO NOT CHANGE ANY THING BELOW THIS LINE // if (playertouchsme) { toweapons Hookshot; } if (weaponfired) { if (disablehookshot==1) { setplayerprop #c,Sorry the Hookshot is disabled here.; } if (! disablehookshot==1) { hook_properties(); this.putx=0; this.puty=0; this.mode=1; this.hook=1; this.range=0; this.img=11; this.rope=10; if(playerdir==0){ this.ropex=playerx+.5; this.ropey=playery-.5; this.flyx=playerx+.5; this.flyy=playery-1.5; this.dir=0; } if(playerdir==1){ this.ropex=playerx-.5; this.ropey=playery+1.5; this.flyx=playerx-1.5; this.flyy=playery+1.5; this.dir=1; } if(playerdir==2){ this.ropex=playerx+1.25; this.ropey=playery+2.5; this.flyx=playerx+1.25; this.flyy=playery+3.5; this.dir=2; } if(playerdir==3){ this.ropex=playerx+2.75; this.ropey=playery+1.5; this.flyx=playerx+3.75; this.flyy=playery+1.5; this.dir=3; } timeout=.05; }} if (this.mode>0) { if (! this.mode==4) { if (playerhurt||playerdies) { this.mode=0; }} if (timeout) { freezeplayer .1; setani shoot,hook.gif; checkoutside(); if (!this.hasbomb==1) { hideimg 1; } if (this.hasbomb==1) { if (this.laybomb==1) { if (keydown(4)) { this.hasbomb=0; this.mode=2; this.hook=1; putbomb this.bombpower,this.flyx,this.flyy; }} showimg 1,ss_bomb.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; if (this.bombpower==1) { changeimgpart 1,0,0,35,33; } if (this.bombpower==2) { changeimgpart 1,0,33,35,33; } if (this.bombpower==3) { changeimgpart 1,0,66,35,33; } } if (this.mode==1) { this.range ++; this.rope ++; rope_options(); detect_bomb(); grapple(); explodebomb(); if (this.range>=this.max_range+1) { this.mode=2; }} if (this.mode==2) { hideimg this.rope+2; this.range --; this.rope --; if (this.range<=0) { hideimg this.rope+1; hideimg this.rope+2; this.mode=0; }} if (this.mode==4) { hideimg 10; hideimg this.img; this.img ++; } if (this.dir==0) { if (this.hook==1) { showimg 0,hookupunhit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.hook==2) { showimg 0,hookuphit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.mode==1) { showimg this.rope,vrope.gif,this.ropex,this.ropey; this.ropey --; this.flyy --; this.putx=this.flyx; this.puty=this.flyy; } if (this.mode==2) { this.ropey ++; this.flyy ++; } if (this.mode==4) { if (playery>this.movey+1.2) { playery --; } if (playery<=this.movey+1.2) { this.mode=0; }} } if (this.dir==1) { if (this.hook==1) { showimg 0,hookleftunhit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.hook==2) { showimg 0,hooklefthit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.mode==1) { showimg this.rope,rope.gif,this.ropex,this.ropey; this.ropex --; this.flyx --; this.putx=this.flyx; this.puty=this.flyy; } if (this.mode==2) { this.ropex ++; this.flyx ++; } if (this.mode==4) { if (playerx>this.movex+1.5) { playerx --; } if (playerx<=this.movex+1.5) { this.mode=0; }} } if (this.dir==2) { if (this.hook==1) { showimg 0,hookdownunhit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.hook==2) { showimg 0,hookdownhit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.mode==1) { showimg this.rope,vrope.gif,this.ropex,this.ropey; this.ropey ++; this.flyy ++; this.putx=this.flyx; this.puty=this.flyy; } if (this.mode==2) { this.ropey --; this.flyy --; } if (this.mode==4) { if (playery<this.movey-3.5) { playery ++; } if (playery>=this.movey-3.5) { this.mode=0; }} } if (this.dir==3) { if (this.hook==1) { showimg 0,hookrightunhit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.hook==2) { showimg 0,hookrighthit.gif,this.flyx,this.flyy; } if (this.mode==1) { showimg this.rope,rope.gif,this.ropex,this.ropey; this.ropex ++; this.flyx ++; this.putx=this.flyx; this.puty=this.flyy; } if (this.mode==2) { this.ropex --; this.flyx --; } if (this.mode==4) { showimg this.rope+1,rope.gif,this.ropex,this.ropey; if (playerx<this.movex-3.5) { playerx ++; } if (playerx>=this.movex-3.5) { this.mode=0; }} } } timeout=.05; if (this.mode==0) { hideimg 0; hideimg 1; hideimg this.rope+1; while (this.rope>9) { hideimg this.rope; this.rope --; } while (this.bombs>0) { this.bombs --; playerbombs ++; } while (this.darts>0) { this.darts --; playerdarts ++; } while (this.hearts>0) { this.hearts --; playerhearts ++; } while (this.rupees>0) { this.rupees --; playerrupees ++; } if (this.hasbomb==1) { putbomb this.bombpower,this.flyx,this.flyy; this.hasbomb=0; }} } function rope_options() { for (this.compu=0; this.compu<compuscount; this.compu++) { if (abs(this.flyx-compus[this.compu].x)<=1 && abs(this.flyy-(compus[this.compu].y-0.5))<=1.5 && compus[this.compu].mode!=3) { hitcompu this.compu,this.baddie_damage,this.flyx+0.5,this.flyy+0.5; if (this.hitreturn_baddie==1) { this.mode=2; } if (this.baddiepull==1) { this.movex=this.flyx; this.movey=this.flyy; this.hook=2; this.mode=4; } }} for (this.player=1; this.player<playerscount; this.player++) { if (abs((this.flyx+0.7)-(players[this.player].x+1.5))<=1 && abs((this.flyy+0.5)-(players[this.player].y+1.5))<=1.5){ hitplayer this.player,this.player_damage,players[this.player].x,players[this.player].y; if (this.hitreturn_player==1) { this.mode=2; } if (this.playerpull==1) { this.movex=this.flyx; this.movey=this.flyy; this.hook=2; this.mode=4; } }} for (this.npc=1; this.npc<npcscount; this.npc++) { if (abs((this.flyx+0.7)-(npcs[this.npc].x+1.5))<=1 && abs((this.flyy+0.5)-(npcs[this.npc].y+1.5))<=1.5){ hitnpc this.npc,this.npc_damage,npcs[this.npc].x,npcs[this.npc].y; if (this.hitreturn_npc==1) { this.mode=2; } if (this.npcpull==1) { this.movex=this.flyx; this.movey=this.flyy; this.hook=2; this.mode=4; } }} if (this.takeitem==1) { for (this.item=0; this.item<itemscount; this.item++) { if (abs((this.flyx+0.7)-(items[this.item].x+1.5))<=1 && abs((this.flyy+0.5)-(items[this.item].y+1.5))<=1.5){ if (items[this.item].type==0) { this.rupees+=1; } if (items[this.item].type==1) { this.rupees+=5; } if (items[this.item].type==2) { this.rupees+=30; } if (items[this.item].type==3) { this.bombs+=5; } if (items[this.item].type==4) { this.darts+=5; } if (items[this.item].type==5) { this.hearts+=5; } if (items[this.item].type==19) { this.rupees+=100; } if (this.hitreturn_item==1) { this.mode=2; } take2 this.item; }}} } function grapple() { if (this.stakepull==1) { this.putx = int(this.putx); this.puty = int(this.puty); set is_stake; for (this.i=0; this.i<2; this.i++) for (this.j=0; this.j<2; this.j++) { this.b = board[this.putx+this.i+64*(this.puty+this.j)]; this.bx = this.b % 16; this.by = int(this.b / 16); if (!(this.bx==10+this.i&&(this.by==20+this.j||this.by==21+this.j ||this.by==180+this.j||this.by==181+this.j))&& !(this.bx==0+this.i&&(this.by==126+this.j||this.by==127+this.j))&& !(this.bx==4+this.i&&(this.by==103+this.j||this.by==104+this.j))&& !(this.bx==0+this.i&&(this.by==32+this.j||this.by==33+this.j))&& !(this.bx==12+this.i&&(this.by==42+this.j||this.by==43+this.j))&& !(this.bx==2+this.i&&(this.by==197+this.j||this.by==198+this.j))&& !(this.bx==11+this.i&&(this.by==126+this.j||this.by==127+this.j))&& !(this.bx==8+this.i&&(this.by==86+this.j||this.by==87+this.j))) unset is_stake; } if (is_stake) { unset is_stake; putleaps 3,this.flyx,this.flyy; this.hook=2; this.movex=this.flyx; this.movey=this.flyy; this.mode=4; }} } function detect_bomb() { if (this.takebomb==1&&!this.hasbomb==1) { for (this.bomb=0; this.bomb<bombscount; this.bomb++) { if (abs((this.flyx+0.7)-(bombs[this.bomb].x+1.5))<=1 && abs((this.flyy+0.5)-(bombs[this.bomb].y+1.5))<=1.5){ if (this.hitreturn_bomb==1) { this.mode=2; } this.hook=2; this.hasbomb=1; this.bombpower=bombs[this.bomb].power; removebomb this.bomb; }}} } function explodebomb() { if (this.explodebomb==1) { for (this.bomb=0; this.bomb<bombscount; this.bomb++) { if (abs((this.flyx+0.7)-(bombs[this.bomb].x+1.5))<=1 && abs((this.flyy+0.5)-(bombs[this.bomb].y+1.5))<=1.5){ if (this.hitreturn_bomb==1) { this.mode=2; } explodebomb this.bomb; }}} } function check_level() { if (edithookshot==1) { if (max_range>0) { this.max_range=strtofloat(#v(max_range)); } if (player_damage>0) { this.player_damage=strtofloat(#v(player_damage)); } if (baddie_damage>0) { this.baddie_damage=strtofloat(#v(baddie_damage)); } if (npc_damage>0) { this.npc_damage=strtofloat(#v(npc_damage)); } if (takeitem>0) { this.takeitem=strtofloat(#v(takeitem)); } if (takebomb>0) { this.takebomb=strtofloat(#v(takebomb)); } if (stakepull>0) { this.stakepull=strtofloat(#v(stakepull)); } if (playerpull>0) { this.playerpull=strtofloat(#v(playerpull)); } if (baddiepull>0) { this.baddiepull=strtofloat(#v(baddiepull)); } if (npcpull>0) { this.npcpull=strtofloat(#v(npcpull)); } if (hitreturn_baddie>0) { this.hitreturn_baddie=strtofloat(#v(hitreturn_baddie)); } if (hitreturn_player>0) { this.hitreturn_player=strtofloat(#v(hitreturn_player)); } if (hitreturn_npc>0) { this.hitreturn_npc=strtofloat(#v(hitreturn_npc)); } if (hitreturn_item>0) { this.hitreturn_item=strtofloat(#v(hitreturn_item)); } if (hitreturn_bomb>0) { this.hitreturn_bomb=strtofloat(#v(hitreturn_bomb)); } if (explodebomb>0) { this.explodebomb=strtofloat(#v(explodebomb)); } if (laybomb>0) { this.laybomb=strtofloat(#v(laybomb)); } } } function checkoutside() { if (this.mode==1) { if (this.dir==0&&this.flyy<=0||this.dir==1&&this.flyx<=0||this.dir==2&&this.flyy>=63||this.dir==3&&this.flyx>=63) { this.mode=2; }} }

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Re: Hookshot

Ah ShadowKnight, such a gibbin' twat. lol, but I won't get into his history. Continue on I suppose :open_mouth:

Re: Hookshot

lol. Be that as it may be, the NPC works great. lol