Is there a way i can host an official playerworld like n-pulse, unholy or zodiac?
Yes, just find the files for it and host your own server.
What kind of files exactly? And will it have the same elements like taking out your sword in zodiac?
EDIT: And where can i find these files?
levels, gifs, ganis, etc
Um…Still Stumped. More specific please
Someone deleted my post? Grr…
Google; it’s your friend. You’ll need to look for a world repack.
I searched google before i made this topic and sarched:
Host own playerworld graal
playerworld private server graal
graal playerworld file download
graal zodiac files
So yeah i did my search before i made the topic and i searched for “world repack graal” And got nothing
Apparently, you didn’t look good enough.
HEy thanks! i appreciate it, now to get these hosted…
Yup, no problem. Just do us all a favor, try more search criteria. And don’t be so specific. I used, “graal playerworld download” and found that on the 4th or 5th page.
the thing is i dont go the the next pages.
EDIT: i got the files, now ehre to put them
You really should. Even though, I do agree that it gets slim after that, Google isn’t perfect and the thing you’re looking for may be further on for whatever reason.
I hate it when people take a stupid server liek Zodiac or Era and try to remake it. Those servers are only good because of the large playercount. Classic, on the other hand, has hours of quests for players. Moral of the story make your own server.
Noone cares all you do is bring everybody down when you post goddamn just keep your negative comments out.
I take pride in being a server asshole… nvm that’s my other account… I’ll make fun of people on that one if you’d like.
Diz izea bez zupid! Zake yur ownz zervar.
if your trying to confuse me it didnt work
Not trying to confuse you.
[QUOTE=Spooon;4917]I hate it when people take a stupid server liek Zodiac or Era and try to remake it. Those servers are only good because of the large playercount. Classic, on the other hand, has hours of quests for players. Moral of the story make your own server.[/QUOTE]
I agree with Spooon on this one, and sadly your an idiot if you dont see why…
and just for them idiots i will say why :), Graal Reborn may be the gratest FREE Graal ever, but we have almost no players.
So what if we make a server that looks awsome.
So what if the playerworld had 500+ members on Old Graal.
SO What if you get all the kool weapons and sparing areas with in 5min of starting.
even if everyone who comes on this forum went on the server at the middle of the day (in there own time zone) it still wouldnt be like Old Graal with the amount of players, so stop putting up the LAMEST playerworlds that only look good and have no story or playablilty, and work together to get something going.
if all the player on this forum who are good with making worlds work together we could get an awsome REBORN WORLD and all add quests to go on it for the other players to have a go at… we could even try to get some story together if a small grp could work on that then everyone would enjoy it.
Maybe people who like the servers which didnt have a paid account would like to enjoy playing the server without the observer mode coming up or being unable to save