I want to remove the old HUD so I can add this code:
//Nyght HUD + QMenu (Very-Active Mode [0.05 Timeout])
//If you want the scripting to be compressed, just ask.
//I left it in it's repeditive form to be more readable
//and editable to you. - Beholder
if (playerenters || timeout || playerhurt) {
timeout = 0.05;
function DrawGUI_HUD() {
showimg 500,nyght_hud.png,22,15;
changeimgpart 500,0,0,216,50;
showimg 501,#3,31,24;
changeimgpart 501,0,64,32,32;
changeimgzoom 501,1.375;
showimg 502,nyght_hud.png,71,27;
changeimgpart 502,0,50,101 * (playerhearts/playerfullhearts),10;
if(playerhearts == 0) hideimg 502;
showimg 503,nyght_hud.png,71,37;
changeimgpart 503,0,50,101 * (playermp/100),10;
if(playermp == 0) hideimg 503;
showimg 504,#W,181,17;
changeimgpart 504,0,0,32,31;
showimg 505,nyght_hud.png,222,16 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100);
changeimgpart 505,0,70 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100),15,(47 * (playerap+2)/100);
if(playerap < 3) hideimg 505;
showtext 506,121,21,Arial,c,#n;
showtext 507,91,50,Arial,#v(playerdarts);
showtext 508,131,50,Arial,#v(playerbombs);
showtext 509,169,50,Arial,#v(playerrupees);
changeimgvis 500 + this.i,4;
if (this.i >= 6) changeimgzoom 500 + this.i,0.6;