How do you remove the normal HUD?

I want to remove the old HUD so I can add this code:

//Nyght HUD + QMenu (Very-Active Mode [0.05 Timeout])
//If you want the scripting to be compressed, just ask.
//I left it in it's repeditive form to be more readable
//and editable to you. - Beholder

if (playerenters || timeout || playerhurt) {
timeout = 0.05;

function DrawGUI_HUD() {
showimg 500,nyght_hud.png,22,15;
changeimgpart 500,0,0,216,50;

showimg 501,#3,31,24;
changeimgpart 501,0,64,32,32;
changeimgzoom 501,1.375;

showimg 502,nyght_hud.png,71,27;
changeimgpart 502,0,50,101 * (playerhearts/playerfullhearts),10;
if(playerhearts == 0) hideimg 502;

showimg 503,nyght_hud.png,71,37;
changeimgpart 503,0,50,101 * (playermp/100),10;
if(playermp == 0) hideimg 503;

showimg 504,#W,181,17;
changeimgpart 504,0,0,32,31;

showimg 505,nyght_hud.png,222,16 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100);
changeimgpart 505,0,70 + (47 * int(100 - playerap+2)/100),15,(47 * (playerap+2)/100);
if(playerap < 3) hideimg 505;

showtext 506,121,21,Arial,c,#n;
showtext 507,91,50,Arial,#v(playerdarts);
showtext 508,131,50,Arial,#v(playerbombs);
showtext 509,169,50,Arial,#v(playerrupees);

changeimgvis 500 + this.i,4;
if (this.i >= 6) changeimgzoom 500 + this.i,0.6;

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

LOL, thought that looked familiar.
Least you're honest enough to keep the comments.

npc script command 'showstats', with this you
can show/hide parts of the status bar / game
showstats 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024; shows all
showstats 0; hides all
the argument is a bit-wise flag set
1 - ASD
2 - icons (for rupees, bombs, arrows)
4 - rupees count
8 - bombs count
16 - arrows count
32 - hearts
64 - alignment (ap) bar
128 - magicpoints (mp) bar
256 - minimap (you can only hide it, you can't show it when the
player pressed Alt+3)
512 - invemtory npcs
1024 - players

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

To just remove the HUD write:

showstats 1024;

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

Thanks! I have another favor to ask of you. ('Cause I'm a lazy asshole who doesn't want do make ANOTHER thread.)
How do you change how the inventory background looks like?

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

I think the only way is to change the letters.png file. Or make your own inventory system(i think there might be one in the npcs section on the forum).

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

Wasn't all of this already covered in the thread where the HUD came from?

Re: How do you remove the normal HUD?

lol not sure, but he asked more questions each time. Well also writing out clearly. Which is something almost all of us will be grateful for. After trying to read some of the messages that pop up of late. (Not to pick on anybody, but that Maloria dude really hates periods.)