On no, I’m not talking about the moderators and whatnot, I know they’ve been around as long as I have. What I should say, how long have you been part of the community and if so, why? I would really like to know whom some of you people are. What me? Oh, right.
Well, I’ve been around when ‘GR’ was merely a 1.39 graal server since then I’ve been around and stay true to Graal Reborns community. As too why? Because some reason I feel as if this place needs me, you know? Something about this place draws me back and keeps me here.
Probably because I’ve known the Graal Reborn ‘team’ for years. Blah, honestly that is true. I’ve known Joey since the 2003 years I believe and everyone else seems to fellow-up through the years.
Although I’m no longer part of the team (I probably will be sometime again in the near future). I enjoy the community even when its not active at all, every message on this board is fun too read and you learn something about that person or maybe some script which brings you closer to the Graal Reborn community.
Great, I’m making the ‘Great wall of text’ enough of my ranting, tell me your story.
I joined because i was tired of the damn forced subscription crap and wanted to play graal without interruptions. And coming here i have met interesting people. (starting with nalin).
I got into Reborn sometime last year. In June or July 2004, I quit GraalOnline completely. I was manager of Valikorlia, and it was a nightmare. I bent over backwards for that server, and they still made my life miserable. Even the global staff were constantly threatening to remove me, because I kept punishing thier friends anytime they broke rules, or I fired them for refusing to do work, or sexually harrassing the female staff members (Clash and Zazen were the worst. I NEVER hired Clash, but the PWAs he brownosed kept giving him level 4 RC). The final straw was when Sparks told me how to handle trouble makers, I did what he told me to do, then he yelled at me PUBLICLY, making me look like a retard. Only a week after I walked away, the server fell to pieces. It’s still up, but nothing like it once was.
But reguardless of the community, I still liked graal, due to the fact I can essentually do and make anything. Thus, I occationally searched for older Gserver versions (mainly 1.39 since 1.31 and 1.28 kept giving me issues with seeing other players move).
In late 2006, my friend and I decided to check out GraalOnline again and see if anything had changed, because we still wanted our own server. Sadly, things DID change, and not for the better, so we once again gave up. But a few months later, I found Graal Reborn. It was around the time it was part of the Anti-unixmad forums.
On a side note, I enjoy reading all the GR posts too. Does that mean I need a life? XD
[QUOTE=SeraphX;6642]I joined because i was tired of the damn forced subscription crap and wanted to play graal without interruptions. And coming here i have met interesting people. (starting with nalin).[/QUOTE]
I hate you.
Merged doublepost_______________
I joined a bit after v5 was released. I hate Graal… a lot.
I joined a long time ago . . I just can’t remember under a different name.
I forgot it too. xD
Anyways, I’ll always be here.
I find Cadavre, Nalin, and Agret the 3 most active people on the forums. . . . seen them all.
Then Joey, who gets on now and then. Also Beholder . . . lol
Anyways, I love Graal Reborn and will stay as long as it’s up and running. lol
Where else can I just screw around with everything?
[QUOTE=Spoon]I hate myself.[/QUOTE]
Hate cha too
well lets see,i played graal online since early '03 and i loved it lolwas a member for 4 years and the lost internet,well nedless to say when i got internet back grala had changed(gelats) now there arent even subscriptions anymore just gelats… but its thier problem so fuckin stupid
i came here cause riley dragged me here basicly and i stayed cause i wanted to,then yall reset forums and i hada get a new account so i havent been on for about hell i dno but i started te whole graal reborn early this year
I got into Reborn sometime last year. In June or July 2004, I quit GraalOnline completely. I was manager of Valikorlia, and it was a nightmare. I bent over backwards for that server, and they still made my life miserable. Even the global staff were constantly threatening to remove me, because I kept punishing thier friends anytime they broke rules, or I fired them for refusing to do work, or sexually harrassing the female staff members (Clash and Zazen were the worst. I NEVER hired Clash, but the PWAs he brownosed kept giving him level 4 RC). The final straw was when Sparks told me how to handle trouble makers, I did what he told me to do, then he yelled at me PUBLICLY, making me look like a retard. Only a week after I walked away, the server fell to pieces. It’s still up, but nothing like it once was.
But reguardless of the community, I still liked graal, due to the fact I can essentually do and make anything. Thus, I occationally searched for older Gserver versions (mainly 1.39 since 1.31 and 1.28 kept giving me issues with seeing other players move).
In late 2006, my friend and I decided to check out GraalOnline again and see if anything had changed, because we still wanted our own server. Sadly, things DID change, and not for the better, so we once again gave up. But a few months later, I found Graal Reborn. It was around the time it was part of the Anti-unixmad forums.
On a side note, I enjoy reading all the GR posts too. Does that mean I need a life? XD
I remember those days and hearing the stories about Clash, what was your old nickname or account that you were called?
[QUOTE=EpnokReborn;6670]then yall reset forums and i hada get a new account so i havent been on for about hell i dno but i started te whole graal reborn early this year[/QUOTE]
We haven’t reset the forums since we changed to vBulletin. You could’ve just contacted a staff member and/or you could’ve just gone to forgot my password and request a new one since the email is still there.
[QUOTE=Dangerless;6680]I remember those days and hearing the stories about Clash, what was your old nickname or account that you were called?[/QUOTE]
I was Jesse Prower. I was also King of Empyria. Account was essentially the same. Solar_T then, SolarT now. My avatar is the same picture I used back then too, just recolored. You might have seen it in paintings in Empyria’s castle if you ever visited it before I left, lol
i’ve just recently joined the fourms for the first time
and I have no idea how I have dangerless’s email in my hotmail
but I may or may not of been apart of the fourms untill yesterday xD
I do however remember playing along time ago but now I don’t see many players online
which is sorta a downer…
Ahh, well, I joined this community around…2 years ago now I believe?
I can’t quite recall, but I’ve been in and out from it. More because I am tired off Graal’s BS and Stefan and Unixmad being total bitches about everything.
Mostly, I’ve been seen on Valikorlia, except when it went down in…2002 and Someone made this huge gmap under Valikorlia Dev, and then I played UN for 6 months, being bart of the Silver Moon Rebellion and Silver Moon Kingdom…
Then when I heard Val was back, I re-entered it and played it ever since, and I was in Empyria as well, bwaharharhar! looks like a stalker…Due SolarT’s presence
Ive been around since 2006 or 2007. I wa looking for a Graal Online private server and somehow you guys came up luckly.
Ive been on since then.
And this is exactly why you’re classified as the “Era Noob”. ¬¬
I only joined GR about 3months ago? Maybe, something like that. I got into the whole private server thing when I played FinalTurismo’s 1.39 graal. Anyway, when that got took down, I took a break from it then came back not long ago to find you guys.
I used to play GraalOnline before it went p2p. I was on Elven Lands until Hack arrived, obliterated it all within 3 days of taking over, then shut it down the following day. I went to Unholy Nation and played there until p2p hit.