I need a chat box.

Hey everyone out there! This is a chat box I made awhile back. That would replace the standard graal chat bar. Well overlay it basically. OR something like that. . .

I would love to have some help with it scripting wise. (Since I can’t script systems and what not.)
It’s more than likely that some functions could not be used or something since there isn’t a NPCserver. Or something . . well no server side, I have no clue if it’s possible, but if it is . . I would love to have someone’s help.

Basically you click which ever chat you would like to speak to, then type in the bar and hit enter.

Chat = To all in the vicinity.
Shout = Global chat to everyone.
Whisper = A Whisper chat to an individual. Basically “whisper epnok; Hey!”
Buddy = Chat to all buddies who are currently online.
Party = Chat to all party members online.
Guild = Chat to all guild members online.

I’ve told you many times this is impractical for Graal Reborn, and will be viewed as redundant next to a PM system that will work in all situations and will not glitch.

Its totally makeable though, but would be an insane amount of effort and a ton of server strings, and probobly tons of lag since server strings aren’t stored the way you might think, but cached on the client as well.

I agree with LittleRiggsey. Sure, a custom system would be nice to see if it worked nice and stable, but the default Graal system will still be there and most people will probably just keep using that. If a way is found to disable the default system, then looking into a custom chat system would be more practicle.

I’ve told you many times this is impractical for Graal Reborn, and will be viewed as redundant next to a PM system that will work in all situations and will not glitch.

Its totally makeable though, but would be an insane amount of effort and a ton of server strings, and probobly tons of lag since server strings aren’t stored the way you might think, but cached on the client as well.

You have no idea what I even mean. Sure it will be hard, I know that.


Anyways, it’s just a chat box with features like buddy, guild, party, to everyone, and nearby players. You have no idea what I even mean.
Go play Maple Story or something like that and learn what the fuck I’m talking about. :smiley:
It’s in no way even close to a PM/Email type system. :smiley:

::NOT THE PM SYSTEM SOLAR F7 SYSTEM:: - It’s not that!!!

I made you a chat box >:O

[QUOTE=Spooon;6661]I made you a chat box >:O[/QUOTE]

When was this? xD

omg ive been used
and even worse im a junior member agian =/ this sucks lol i want my $ from my epnok account =(

I was talking to you at the time of the post, thus using your name. xD

Some parts of that aren’t possible with the current Graal Reborn gserver without modifying the source and recompiling.

  • Chat could work just like a normal chat message using setplayerprop #c.
  • Shout could work by prefixing toall: to your chat message and calling setplayerprop #c.
  • Whisper could not work without using server.strings (will cause lag as all clients need to be sent all the server.strings) or without modifying the gserver source code to send a PM to the player.
  • Buddy can’t work at all. No way to know who is your buddy. Unless you make a custom buddy list of sorts. Then it would require a gserver hack to send a PM to all of them.
  • Party is like buddy. Would need a custom party list and a gserver hack.
  • Guild could work like should; it would prefix toguild: to your chat message.


Yeah I know some things aren’t possible . . .
You can make a basic one though.
Oh well screw it, delete the topic. I no longer care.

Yeah I know some things aren’t possible . . .
You can make a basic one though.
Oh well screw it, delete the topic. I no longer care.

Locks topic Oh, right, I don’t have that power anymore since I left. I think its a good idea, you could try. :open_mouth:

[QUOTE=Dangerless;6694]Locks topic Oh, right, I don’t have that power anymore since I left. I think its a good idea, you could try. :O[/QUOTE]

lol I wish I could, I can’t do system scripts. :stuck_out_tongue:
My scripters I currently have are useless.

Well most can’t do huge systems either.

If you’d hire me I wouldn’t be useless.