It's Thursday

I thought one was Loke’s day

Saturday is also Loki’s day, but the word Saturday most likely comes from the Latin term. Although, I read “Saeter-daeg” means “the day of Saetere”, which translates to “the theif in ambush” (or so I read) which is another name for Loki.

Saturday is Lördag in swedish (dag being day). So I have no clue what that means. Ö is not the same as O. The sound isn’t even close to similar. :slight_smile:

Angelo-Saxon: Sunnandæg [Sun’s Day]
Latin: dies Solis
Roman god: Sol
Norse: sunnudagr
Norse god: Sól

Angelo-Saxon: Mōnandæg [Moon’s Day]
Latin: dies Lunae
Roman god: Luna
Norse: mánadagr
Norse god: Máni

Angelo-Saxon: Tīwesdæg [Tiw’s Day]
Latin: dies Martis
Roman god: Mars
Norse: tysdagr
Norse god: Týr

Angelo-Saxon: Wōdnesdæg [Wodan’s Day]
Latin: dies Mercurii
Roman god: Mercury
Norse: óðinsdagr
Norse god: Odin

Angelo-Saxon: Þūnresdæg [Þunor’s Day]
Latin: dies Iovis
Roman god: Jupiter
Norse: þórsdagr
Norse god: Thor

Angelo-Saxon: Frīgedæg [Fríge’s Day]
Latin: dies Veneris
Roman god: Venus
Norse: frjádagr
Norse god: Frigg

Angelo-Saxon: Sæturnesdæg [Saturn’s Day]
Latin: dies Saturni
Roman god: Saturn
Norse: laugardagr [washing-day] or sunnunótt [Sun eve]
Norse god: None

Case closed. Discussion over. Gawd.

Today is the day!

Lets all say one thing good about today.
I passed a drug test.

I don’t have school tomorrow since teachers are lazy and on Monday it’s some Queens birthday or something, so hooray for a four day weekend!

None of that had anything to do with Thursday.

Thursday is my Friday this week.

Monkeys didn’t bite me this thursday!

I unloaded the worst truck I have ever seen. When I got home, my buddy and I ranked until we were Gold on LoL. T’was a good day.



let it die

Cant wait for another Thursday

Anyone has any plans for next thursday?

I’m going back to Sweden next thursday.

I might have a shower next thursday.

California will miss you Cad