I changed the idea to put new world stuffs… i will keep the basic as it is…
So basically this server is a mix of an MMORPG with Guildwars… i will talk more about it soon…
Some features so far …
Energy System : You have to eat food to survive…
GUI i made…
Sword have min and max damage…
There also a planned alchemy system and a complete HP/Mana system with stats…
There is no class as i said… you have to specialize yourself ! each stats have their advantage and inconvenient.
Time system…
Ambiant sound to make things a bit more realistic than they are…
Tons of secrets
Based on the story… so actually you can do whatever you want and fellow at the same time the story and do quests to gain exp and level up… there no baddies… most ennemy are full NPC with their HP and all… there will be some creatures offcourse !
Just looks a bit dry, to me. Might add another background behind your health/MP/Food bars, too. If you want a good parchment texture to use, try this one:
Aesthetics are a major part of any server. Google is a great place to find textures. Personally, I can do some pretty neat graphics. But, my skills are limited to abstract wallpapers, simple objects or recolors. If I could draw the art, I would have some pretty sick graphics.
Thanks. Well i will find a way to polish it. I also want to figure out what i want to be seen by the player. But for sure i wont keep this one i have currently cause there is something wrong with it offcourse… i wanna keep things simple… I will redo the bars too.
Well… i might go with a basic gui after all. And i planned a new one. When id get time i will apply it to the system. After all the systems get coded… which shouldnt take more than 1 week now… i will work on the first 3 quests then i will make the server to public.
The new GUI has been planned out. I will try to put it on as soon as possible.[br][br]Double Posted on: April 09, 2008, 01:50:36 PM_________________________________________________[br]