Name: Staff Boots
Type: Staff Tool
Author: John Doe
Description: Allows the player to walk on walls.
[code]if (playertouchsme) {
toweapons Staff/Staff Boots;
if (weaponfired) {
if (bootson) {
unset bootson;
else if (! bootson) {
set bootson;
if (timeout && bootson) {
if (keydown(0)) {
if (keydown(1)) {
if (keydown(2)) {
if (keydown(3)) {
if (playerchats&&isweapon) {
if (strequals(#c ,boots on)) {
set bootson;
if (strequals(#c ,boots off)) {
unset bootson;
March 23, 2009, 7:03am
Lol i always lose this script and can never find it when i need it thanks keep this thread up
That script is redundant, use this instead, shorter, cleaner…
if (playertouchsme) {
toweapons Staff/Staff Boots;
if (weaponfired) {
if (bootson) {
unset bootson;
else if (! bootson) {
set bootson;
if (timeout && bootson) {
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
if (keydown(i)) {
playerx += vecx(i);
playery += vecy(i);
if (playerchats&&isweapon) {
if (strequals(#c,boots on)) {
set bootson;
if (strequals(#c,boots off)) {
unset bootson;
That script is redundant, use this instead, shorter, cleaner…
if (playertouchsme) {
toweapons Staff/Staff Boots;
if (weaponfired) {
if (bootson) {
unset bootson;
else if (! bootson) {
set bootson;
if (timeout && bootson) {
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
if (keydown(i)) {
playerx += vecx(i);
playery += vecy(i);
if (playerchats&&isweapon) {
if (strequals(#c,boots on)) {
set bootson;
if (strequals(#c,boots off)) {
unset bootson;
I didn’t write the original and this still achieves the same goal. But, it’s nice to see other methods.
March 24, 2009, 8:07pm
Even the improved one is still pretty badly coded. The original sucks balls though.
Beholder has a nice one. But I don’t know if I should spread it without his permission.
[QUOTE=Cadavre;13307]Beholder has a nice one. But I don’t know if I should spread it without his permission. :P[/QUOTE]
Go for it. After a while all staff boot scripts look the same to me.
March 25, 2009, 5:54am
People -REALLY- should get into the habit of using client./clientr. strings even if it has no true effect.
btw i wanna help improve too!
if (weaponfired) {
client.bootson = !client.bootson; // (is this even do-able in gs1?)
if (client.bootson)
timeout = 0.05;
if (timeout && client.bootson) {
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
if (keydown(i)) {
playerx += vecx(i);
playery += vecy(i);
timeout = 0.05;
if (playerchats&&isweapon) {
if (strequals(#c ,boots on)) {
client.bootson = true;
timeout = 0.05;
if (strequals(#c ,boots off)) {
client.bootson = false;
timeout = 0;
if those are strings, don’t you have to do a setstring client.bootson,true; And i’m not certain if you can call a string as a true/false flag(atleast in it’s name alone). Maybe if(strequals(#s (client.bootson),true)){ ?
Name: S.Boots
Type: Staff Tool
Author: Beholder
Description: Allows the player to walk on walls.
if(playerenters && !isweapon) hide;
if(playerenters && lindexof(#a ,server.staff) > -1 && !hasweapon(S.Boots)){
this.bootdata = {false,false};
toweapons S.Boots;
if(lindexof(#a ,server.staff) == -1 && isweapon) destroy;
if (keypressed) {
if(keydown2(keycode(w),true) && this.bootdata[1] == false && isweapon){
this.bootdata = {true,true};
while (this.bootdata[1] == true) {
if(!keydown2(keycode(w),true)) this.bootdata[0] = false;
else if(keydown2(keycode(w),true) && this.bootdata[0] == false) this.bootdata[1] = false;
for (this.key = 0; this.key < 4; this.key++) {
if (keydown(this.key)) {
playerx += vecx(this.key) * 0.5;
playery += vecy(this.key) * 0.5;
sleep 0.05;
this.bootdata = {false,false};
if(weaponfired) { say2 #bPress ‘w’ to use.; }[/code]
It doesn’t warp you into blackness at random if you run over blocking tiles while warping a level!
March 25, 2009, 5:52pm
client.bootson = !client.bootson; // (is this even do-able in gs1?)
No. You gotta use set/unset.
oh… well… setstring client.bootson,(#v (client.bootson)++) % 2);
or something like that lol
oh… well… setstring client.bootson,(#v (client.bootson)++) % 2);
or something like that lol
Just use a damn variable, if the person reconnects, the boots shouldn’t be turned on anyway. lol