Level of the Week - Challenge #2

I don’t expect alot of idlers to choose my level hence the lack of seats and beer.

I think I need one more actual submission and we can finally vote on this and move to a new challenge. Any takers?

I was thinking of making an actual submission, but meh.
It’s a bit bare-bones compared to my (obviously superior) other entry.

I wouldn’t mind if I never made a Graal level again.

Why is that?

Because it’s a fucking chore. It’s not fun anymore and there’s nothing for me to improve on.

Because after a while you come to realize that graal is shit :slight_smile:

Isn’t that the damn truth? :stuck_out_tongue: It can be fun sometimes :] Mainly when I’m super high o.o

I couldn’t say I’ve nothing to improve on, that’s for sure. (GD Graal on listserver)

But, like Twiggy said, getting high can bring the desire to play with the editor and try to get something together. I must admit though, it is becoming more of a chore than anything as of late. By the time I have enough time to sit down and think about making a level, or script, or whatever… I am so damned exhausted from all of the other shit I’ve had to do throughout the week that I can’t even figure out what tiles go where. By the time I figure out that I can’t figure it out, I have no choice really but just go to bed.

I’m at a point in my life where Graal is one of the more relaxing things I do. I come from work, spend sometime with the girlfriend, when she goes to bed I grab a beer and do some Graal. It’s a creative outlet, not something that necessitates attention; if I want to do something else, I just do it, but I do Graal because I like it.

Graal is a fun and polyvalent game maker…
yeah the scripting engine is pretty bad, I’d rather have it support more object orientation, but in a whole, the idea is good and the possibilities limitless.

With a good team, graal isn’t a chore anymore, because everyone uses their talents. Personally, I dislike doing graphics and level making is a relaxing time killer but I have no real visual talents.

What reborn ultimately needs are dedicated teams of server independant LATs, GATs and NATs.

In a way, this could even become a lucrative activity if we could bring here an audience of young game ideators who wish their game could come to life. If it wasn’t of the advent of 3d the demand would be overwhelming.

But there’s still the problem of the players, why so little? Reborn has a decent bomberman server and is also hosting a server that used to have around 1800 players every evening (GTA).

How did the “real” graalonline get such a huge audience? I don’t remember seeing any advertisement of it ever.

Reborn isn’t top of the searches when looking for “Graal for free”…

I really hope Phoenix will help put everything in place so the dream comes true.