Lightscript don't works

He put the code he intended to be repeated into the “playerenters” condition block. That block obviously only executes if “playerenters” is set. Therefore he must expect the player to enter the level every 0.05 seconds, since he also expected the script to work.

Its structure… the Commands he wants to loop on timeout are called by the playerenters Event.

His comment is a facetious way of looking at it.

No guys wtf. No one would ever want that. He clearly just didn’t know how to initiate a loop properly.

That’s not true at all. It’s called trying to make people think, rather than mindlessly handing them answers.

I dunno man. The “go figure it out yourself” attitude is lame.

That’s not the attitude though. I did give useful information, if the person is actually interested in considering it. The problem is that’s rarely the case.

Handing them answers. Well it can certainly be said I did that.

However, I encourage you to check out, specifically how it handles demonstrating PHP functions. Such as string functions. Click on any of them and you’ll see the sort of proper demonstrations / examples that are necessary to quickly glance at the page and understand / pick up the basic knowledge needed to use a function. This is about a quick and efficient learning process.

If GS1 had a resource like that, the number of basic questions / help topics in this forum would drop substantially, in addition to providing us a quick URL to link if they couldn’t search such a resource on their own.

My experience learning this way means that I would strive to help others in a similar fashion.

You’re making assumptions, I think. It’s absolutely not necessary to see the examples that exist on some of the function pages. The function syntax, parameter explanations, and return explanations are more than adequate to allow you to use the function.

It may be quick and efficient (in terms of producing code), but it’s less of a learning process and more of a “copy what you see” process.

I’m sure you’re right here. Feel free to make it!

I knew you had learned this way, as everyone I’ve encountered who has doesn’t understand the way I go about doing it.

If cad agreed to it, I’d be pretty willing to contribute towards a wiki(something I can chip at over time)that’d be hosted off the service.


shrugs I guess

Of course a lot of the useful commands we can’t use, but shrug.

It’s a bit old, but it might be useful. Not sure.

We had a wiki. It was tied to the vbulletin forums and caused more issues than it helped. We also had our own pastebin for scripts and I believe the database tables are still there somewhere.

One link appears to be a list of GS2 commands.
Another to what is likely the same GS1 commands.rtf that is distributed with Graal Reborn.
Another link, which is itself a link to a small handful of zip files…

Nothing presented here is the sort of URL linkable working examples of actual script. The point is accessibility, to publish online in a complete and easily searchable format. I thank you for your efforts to provide documentation, but they do not show that this has already been done.

You’ll know we have succeeded when newbies don’t know how to use a timeout, and instead giving them the run around, instead of writing their code for them, you can simply link them to for clear and concise instruction.

The first link is has GS1 and GS2. The second link is not exactly the same. I didn’t look at Onijustin’s link.

Lets just not tie it to the forums then

This thread is getting lame