anyone here played pokemon??
ever noticed how easily the maps on pokemon could be modified to fit graal tiles??
i just find that funny
anyone here played pokemon??
ever noticed how easily the maps on pokemon could be modified to fit graal tiles??
i just find that funny
I actually started work on that, you can play as about 30 different characters. I only copied over a small percentage of the tileset but it’s easily possible to complete it.
haha, well i dont even think you need to copy the tileset, use the graal gfx, and add the pokemon maps and battle system to it… take away the weapons and the standard system that graal uses, replace with a pokemon selector as your weapons list, run/walk as your sword and… leave A as picking rocks up out of the way??
edit some of the gym prises to fit, like Gloves or Hammers, maybe just a door way opening??
and move it on to the elite four.
well im not sure if keeping the battle system the same would be good, maybe keep the teleporting in to a battle, but in sted of turn based how about we use Graals battle system and transform you in to your selected pokemon??
lol just some MAD ideas im coming up with on the spot here, keep posting some more stuff who knows what we could come up with, HAHA
lmfao. fuuny
The actual pokemon battles shouldn’t be too hard either.
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Just have to avoid copyright laws.
Tempting to sod the copyrights, but your right… umm could be more funn that way, pakachee and cumpanda, yep make up your own (mine the lang. F**kachu is too much for the kids) lol.
Yea the battles would be easyish, an invis NPC traveling in grass only in random dir.s if touched battle starts, can also be done with one NPC saying if player on grass tiles and X = random then battle starts. and with a timeout loop on it for every 5 sec could help stop constant battles.
Arn’t you breaching copyright laws by hosting a graal reborn server in the first place? I’m sure breaking a couple more won’t do any harm
A Pokemon playerworld sounds fun.
Arn’t you breaching copyright laws by hosting a graal reborn server in the first place? I’m sure breaking a couple more won’t do any harm
A Pokemon playerworld sounds fun.
Hosting our homemade reverseengineered server software doesn’t breach any copyright laws at all. But if we hosted the clientfiles on our webserver we would (even though GraalOnline isn’t a registered trademark) get threats from Unixmad. Making pokemon w/ graals classic tileset would work or a revamped pokemon tileset would also work.
Woot, i vote pokemon for the MAIN SERVER… jk
Graal has its own unique ability of avoiding copyright laws.
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And thanks for the bump I love this idea.
I’m working on creating a graalified version of pokemon red/blue. I got pallet, route 1, and viridian city overworld completed, minus npcs and anything fancy, and I’m working out the battle system. I’m pretty happy with the way it’s going - basically you run around in swamp tiles for grass, and each time you step it picks a random number. if the number is below 5 or something, then a battle starts. if it isn’t, then it reduces the max range for the random numbers.
and for the actual battle, I’m thinking that it should be real-time. you play as the pokemon. weapons = attacks/moves + pokemon-changes. I’ve got the mp3s from firered and leafgreen, but if there are concerns about copyright stuff the name can be changed, and the music could be something else.
I’m using graal pics1.png tiles. I tried porting the firered and leafgreen tiles, but it seemed like it was going to take too long, and it seemed like it would detract from the fact that it’s graal…
i never was an expert at npcs scripting though. I’m having trouble figuring out how to pass an array generated in the overworld to the battle-scene level… it looks like i can only keep flags and strings as i change levels… the array contains information about the kind of pokemon that are likely to show up in the battle.
[QUOTE=Nalin;8501]Well, you could just plop an NPC in each level that sets a string on the character that tells which Pokemon you can find in the level. Simplest way to do it.[/QUOTE]
oh wow, i totally had overlooked strtofloat, strequals, and strcontains! now i can make it work. Thanks Nalin! I just wasn’t seeing those three for whatever reason.
Why couldn’t it have been easier? Why can’t variables and arrays easily travel with the player like strings?
I actually thought over doing this a few times. But other projects always seemed way more appealing to me. Since they’re gba games, it is super easy to reproduce them in graal. I was going to do it with massive serverstring databases tho, which possibly lags lots.
When the player first joins the server, assign them a unique playerid string, accountname string, then 6 strings for their lineup. Then add 6xstats string lists, for attk, def, etc.
Then when the battle starts you just have to know the two players fighting, and you can instantly pull all the needed information. (You don’t totally need them to be server strings, thinking of it now I don’t think the 6 starters would be.) But without server strings you’d need to setup a template for battles, that takes input from the players, making it level dependant, like having a few prebuilt battle scripts on the level itself. That the starters stats plug into.
Eh, always fun to think of ways to script things. Good luck mate
I love the idea of using Pokemon tiles. I even recreated some Pokemon style tiles for the tileset on my playerworld.
For example, this building…
…has shockingly similar tiles to this Pokemon building.
sounds like there is 3 projects going here, combine?