Main Page Infinite Redirect

I haven't been able to load the main page for the last few days. I tried to delete any cookies and have used some college campus computers and neither way loaded the main page successfully. I can get here because I memorized the somewhat redundant direct URL to the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect

Try to load instead ;D

Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect


Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect

Since you said redirect, I'm assuming you are trying to visit
You should try though. Seems to be bugged, no idea why.

Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect

This happens once and awhile with me, I mean I can visit it fine but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect

lol I meant “…huh.” like “well, what do you know.”. Not as a question.

Re: Main Page Infinite Redirect

O, ok.