Making weapons from RC?

I am not sure if this is possible, but is there
a way to make weapons in RC?

I know there isn't NC control, support yet,
but I have spotted two different clues;
weapons.txt in the directory of the server,
and npcprops folder.

I already tried the weapons.txt and edited it,
but nothing really happens, it looks like a log to me.

If It was npcprops, what is the prefix for the npcs?
like guilds are “guildOwner.txt”. I am assuming its
somthing like “npcBoots.txt” or similar.

Please help me as soon as possible,
Thankyou, -Conner.

Re: Making weapons from RC?

NC is required to make weapons from RC. Where it adds all the weapons to the database.

weapons.txt is the older method which is more of a cache methods.
You can edit the weapons.txt freely, but again, this is without NC meaning:

  • Every player's local weapons/npc cache will not reload untill they reconnect.
  • Your changes will be nullified should someone get the weapon again (from the level).
  • toweapons adds the entire NPC as the weapon, addweapon is an NPC Server command which pulls the weapon script from a database.

In otherwords, pointless to edit and reload the weapons.txt

Re: Making weapons from RC?

Another method to sort of mimic NC, would be making NPCs as txt files to be called for with something like putnpc. I do this for very common things you'd find around multiple areas. Like drinks in a bar. This lets you only need to worry about a single script, and not 50+ levels with copies of the same script.

The downside is, updates are not imediate. They require a relog, or even a server reboot, depending how friendly Graal is feeling, lol.

Re: Making weapons from RC?

Don't use putnpc, use the 'join' command.
putnpc is deprecated to all hell :slight_smile:

Re: Making weapons from RC?

Lol, doesn't 'join' require an NPC Server? Like putnpc2? O_o

Re: Making weapons from RC?

39ster made a kind-of bastardized method of doing it, but it works :slight_smile:

Re: Making weapons from RC?

How would join work in this case? just:
join taco.txt;
with taco.txt being the script saved to the server? Or does it have to be saved somewhere specific?

Also, does this work just like the NC version, in that, the script end on the level can define variables to use in the loaded txt file?