Many free *high quality* tiles!

Hey guys, im behind you guys 100% for the project so i thought i would throw some tiles your way as my contribution. The tiles however are not mine but they are public domain which means anyone can use you them free of charge for whatever. Come end of november when uni’s over ill be producing some of my own work for you guys. So enjoy

I have included a few sample pics, a link about them from its source and the whole collection of tiles in a zip.

With these tilesets theres enough to make a whole server.

Tileset 1:
While these are tiles, you still have to make them all into ONE tileset if thats what your wanting to do. Tile to Tileset instructions are in the link about.

Link about:
Tileset link:

Tileset 2:
A bit different but i would love to see these tiles used in a player world.

Link about:
Tileset link:

Tileset 3:
Not really tileset but these can be tiled and its worth it, theres over 250 of them all high quality, heres one: example:

Instructions on how to tile are included in the about link.
Link about:
Tileset link:

Anyway you should thank Danc from lostgarden with a link or something if you use them, its the nice thing to do.

they are rather good looking gfx, but I doubt they would work with graal.

None of them work with graal, what is this crap? O_o

I was amazed for a moment, but these wont work with graal. :frowning:

lol this crap sucks

[QUOTE=Nalin;7443]Graal uses 8-bit images for tiles. 256 colors. You could probably use them if you knew what you were doing.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I could easily make any of them into a working tileset. . . I just don’t like using work not of my own.

Though if you all wanted one of those for a basic Pics1.png replacement, it’s simple to replace.

@Spoon - You have no taste for pixel work. :smiley: Either that or you burnt out your taste. . . or you are just doing that thing you always do.

[May not look as good as the original, but damn close. :D]

Those tiles are amazing very professional kudos to whoever made them. If we had someone that could continue with this very high resolution style we could easily have a real Gold server hell these look like GBA or DS quailty tiles. The problem is nobody here has the skills, the time, or patience to produce a large ammount of such high end Graphics so you would problable end up with an eye-sore of these good looking tiles mixed with ones that suck.

Thank you for sharing these I know of two artists who make graphics in a similar style Davidspy and BLookat however I lost contact with both of them and I don’t know if they still play or not. I can imagine if archaic or sanstratta was still going they could probably use these

Any tiles will go with graal, its a development platform that can be used for anything. Theres plenty of resources out there for indie developers that are high and of the same quality

But i do agree you would need some one who could produce high quality gfx to complement them.

Any way the intention of this thread has to inject some resources in graal reborn. Not everyone would be able to use them but hopefully this would help some one develop high quality work for the project.

The problem is I don’t think anybody would make graphics like these without some sort of payment. I have made this style of graphics before and it takes hours and hours…

Here are some tiles I ripped from the first one I had to edit them a little but they do tile pretty good

[QUOTE=Sublime;7500]The problem is I don’t think anybody would make graphics like these without some sort of payment. I have made this style of graphics before and it takes hours and hours…[/QUOTE]

lol It doesn’t take that long . . . it’s more or less knowing your textures. :smiley:
Also being familiar with all your controls of the paint program you use.

It also depends on the paint program xD

Wacom Tablets rule :smiley:

These look like the tiles from Mythic Legends.

These look like the tiles from Mythic Legends.

There not, mythic legends used the cliff/rock bit in its tileset and got it from the link i provided. If you read the post about mythic legends, xXZiroXx tells you where he got them from.

[quote=Sublime] The problem is I don’t think anybody would make graphics like these without some sort of payment. I have made this style of graphics before and it takes hours and hours…

Here are some tiles I ripped from the first one I had to edit them a little but they do tile pretty good [/quote]

Heres hoping that this encourages players to develop thier skill to this level or attracts quality artists who dont want to spend time making a tileset.

That first tileset was one done for RPG Maker XP by Inquisitor over at RPG-Palace. I used it, myself. Do you happen to have the full set? The site went down some time ago.

[QUOTE=Koroshiya;7519]That first tileset was one done for RPG Maker XP by Inquisitor over at RPG-Palace. I used it, myself. Do you happen to have the full set? The site went down some time ago.[/QUOTE]

You are still alive? 0.0

lmao. I was expecting such a reply. Yeah, I’ve been around, but there’s not a lot I can do when my comp with all my server files is out of commission. I’m saving up for a mobo, as this appears to be the recent issue.

Some nice sets in there, good upload. Props mate