Mini tree houses for all lol

:frowning: --> :wink:

Wonderful this is all great news, since I now know I will never see these
houses ever used unless I use them…myself…

It’s like there very excistence gives them exclusivety even status
as the untouchables of Graal hehe instead of Cliche Server I could call it

The Untouchables oooOOO I like it :wink:

The only thing I can say about is, were you going for a classic Legend of Zelda (NES) approach? The trees make me think of that.

Soo that’s not…Status quoe?

I thought thats what Graal Reborn was about?
Graal online left this format in the dust and moved on
we are here to.

Raise it from the ashes to it’s once beheld GLORY

Sort-of. Graal Online took on the Link To The Past approach.

Graal Reborn is more…like trying to do what Graal Online doesn’t do.

But its not like Graal online has era with guns and graal reborn has mario as a ninja cutting people it just doesnt work that way

That’s why I said Graal Reborn does what Graal Online doesn’t. Lol

Some day…
When i stop procrestinating and i continue creating it…
I’ll stop procrestinating tomorrow.

I’d rather see less of these “RPG” and “Era-style” servers, and more gameplay that is unique, challenging, and never-aging.

Only Onijustin.

u mad

lol no :stuck_out_tongue:



u mad



I’m pretty sure that was only the “$100” question…

I win.