Some servers are set to not allow the client.
In this instance, you’ll need to use the client.
If you downloaded the Graal Reborn client a long time ago,
you’ll need to re-download the .zip here
Here’s a list of what it contains:
[]Remote Control
[]Remote Control 2.0.5 [unpacked]
[]Graal Shop [old + new]
[]Level Generators
[]Level Gen .Nw+.Txt
[]Level Gen .Graal+.Txt
[]Level Gen .Nw+.Gmap
[]Gif2Mng [new]
[]Heads 0~26
[]Bodies 0~20
[]Swords 1~4
[]Shields 1~3
[]Default Ganis [corrected]
[]Default Sounds + Five Instruments
[]All NewFeatures200x.txt
[]All files required for the offline tutorial to work
[/LIST] If you’ve already downloaded the .zip, make sure you are using the
client labeled “Graal_222.exe”.
That should fix it! Hope you enjoy your stay.
*Note- Some servers allow both types of clients and some don’t.
*Additional Note- If a server’s version is the old Build ## moniker, you can only use the 2.171 client.
The newer gserver will inform you of the client version you need in order to connect. Thanks Nalin~