Graal Reborn Tutorial - v1.7
By [I]Dangerless [/I]
| Notes; v1.6 to v1.7: Fixed a bunch of links and information that was dated. - Cadavre
| Notes; v1.4 to v1.5: Fixed a bunch of links and edited the Linux section, which
| was just plain wrong. - Nalin
| Notes; v1.3 to v1.4: Because of vbulletin, I had to update all the links to point
| to the correct posts. I also had to split up the post to fit within post size\
| limitations imposed by vbulletin.
| Notes; v1.2 to v1.3 with the new release of ‘PGserver’ I have added more
| information about this in the ‘Gserver’ section. I have also cleaned up
| the ‘notes/notices’ section. 2/21/08
| Notes; v1.1 to v1.2 with the release of Gserver build 53 I have added this
| information in the Gserver to clean everything up. Also the topic named is now
| changed to ‘New-Users’. 1/13/08
| Notes; v1.0 updated to v1.1 I have fixed some typos and added more information
| and also added in-game help 1/12/08
| Notes; This is the first version of tutorial for new-users 1/10/08
| Notices; If you have suggestions to what you want added, please PM me I’ll be
editing this on-off to keep it up to date. |
[B]Client Information[/B]
Where can I find the client?
You can find the client here;
No one is seeding the torrent and 3rd party links are broken!
I suggest asking around for it on the forums, someone will get to you, and when you do get it feel free to upload it and post links to the client to the link above. Also before you ask, we can’t host the client because it is an illegal piece of software that isn’t created by us.
How do I connect to the server? Whats my account?
By default, your account for the serverlist is not created. In order to create your serverlist account, you must go into your UserCP and click Add/Change Password in the Manage Graal Account section of the Control Panel.
After you do that, your account on the serverlist will be created using the same login name you use for the forums
This works for me, if it doesn’t work it could be the server is down at the moment or post a question about it.
Hey, I want to work for this playerworld!
You should see if there hiring in the ‘Playerworlds’ part of the board or contact one of the staff members on the server.
What are levels? Aren’t they maps?
No, maps are maps while levels are what you play on, which are very useful. Maps are images on the lower-left part of the screen and if you press ‘M’ you can view the big map if its online on that playerworld. If you like to create a map read this tutorial;
Can I get some old playerworld levels?
I figure this is stupid mainly because Graal Reborn is more about new content, but if you want old playerworlds you should post in the ‘Playerworlds’ section as someone will get to you about it.
How do I make levels with the client?
Just go into ‘Offline Test’ and hit F4. This will open up the level editor just remember, if your trying to script things make sure you know what ‘gscript’ is.
There’s also a GraalEditor.exe included in the package.
Can I help with this project, for the client?
Yes! We need all the help we can get, just show us some of your best work of what you can do to the Gserver or client itself. Go here;
[B]Gserver Information[/B]
Where can I download old/new revisions of the Gserver?
You can find the latest Gserver along with newest Gserver releases here (at the bottom of the page):
Hey! I have a revision that isn’t listed! Can I post it?
Great! Post it in this section;
Just remember it has to have been made by us, Graal Reborn.
What’s happen!? There not revision anymore!
We will no longer be using the term “Revision” anymore for naming releases. We will now be using Build #. We will start at Build 53 (just so no one gets lost and no problems occur). This will allow us to submit revisions to our new SVN without confusing people
Can I have the source to the Gserver(s)? And the listserver?
They are usually added into svn or in the Gserver itself, or upload with it, if it isn’t listed that probably means it isn’t ready or it’s seriously messed up source. We now have released the serverlist!
Does the Gserver support Linux and other OS?
Yes, the Gserver does support Linux, but you’ll have to manually compile the Gserver from its source code.
My Gserver is broken, I need help setting it up!
This isn’t the tutorial for setting up the Gserver, I suggest going to this topic;
If you need more help, just post, or if you want help faster log onto the chatroom which I will get to shortly.
How do I add levels and other stuff for my playerworld?
It’s simple, making sure you have downloaded the latest Gserver, go into the ‘world’ folder, inside this folder you can place all of your levels/webgifs/heads/etc in this folder, to make it neater you can add other folders so it’s not so messy. Just make sure it’s all still in the ‘world’ folder. Also, make sure you have set a default and working onlinestartlocal.nw level in your levels.
Can I help with this project?
Yes! We need all the help we can get, just show us some of your best work of what you can do to the Gserver or client itself. Go here;
[B]In-game, help Commands and how-tos[/B]
How do I see how many kills/etc count stuff I have?
Kills Points say: showkills
Death Points say: showdeaths
Online Time say: showonlinetime
Alignment Points say: showap
See your name say: showname
See guild say: showguild “guild name”
Set Head say: sethead head(number).png
Set Shield say: setshield shield3.png
Set Sword say: setsword sword2.png
Set Nickname say: setnick then name
What is AP? Is it something that deals with my name changing colors?
AP stands for “Alignment Points” it is your fighting level. You start out with 50 AP if you start to kill people it goes down, the lowest points is zero pretty much means your a godly PKer. Too have it go up to 100 don’t kill anyone, 100 AP also gives you a golden name and swords do not hurt you this is a saint I believe. Each AP number has a different color, white, black, red, green, etc.
What Does Online Time mean?
The online time command tells you how long you been playing in-game of a playerworld.
What is a Guild?
A Guild is a team or gang of fighters, they normally have a tag on like this (Events Team) and they can’t hurt each other when a tag is on they can also send guild messages. This makes it easier for fighting & such.
How Do I PM a friend or person?
Hit F7 and the playerlist will show, double-click on the person name and after you type up the message click send.
How do I talk in the gray bubbles?
In the chat text, put toall: then anything.
How do I send a guild message?
Put toguild: then anything. Remember to have your tag on.
How do I open my options?
Just hit F1.
What is a Admin Message?
Normally, a text box will appear in the game if it is sent.
How do I edit my profile?
After you open the playerlist click on profile and fill it out then send or right-click yourself.