
Graal reborn is back ? sweet jesus ! I tried to get on a while back and thought you guys got shut down or something back to work then =)

back to wooork. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Sublime;6728]Graal reborn is back ? sweet jesus ! I tried to get on a while back and thought you guys got shut down or something back to work then =)[/QUOTE]

I missed joo sublime! Other than you and I, no one else submits graphics. :smiley:

that might be because this forum is full of 14 year olds that makes levels with tiling errors and full of npc-bugs etc. Riley’s server is a new “Sentinel”… Basically a server that’ll raise the standards once again on GR servers. Since both Waffles and Sentinel are dead you have no competition. Might aswell make your PW the Graal Reborn official if you don’t mind changing the name. You could put Sublime as GAT and tell him what graphics to do for you. :smiley: All we need after that is more decent scripters and level-makers.

Don’t even bother changing name and that. I could just host it on my server. I’ll probably shut down my classic since there’s no reason to have TWO classic servers. Costa de Agua will be shut down until the owner gets back. Graal Reborn might be a separate PW.

Beholder & Nalin:
Ever thought of merge your servers and combine powers? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I love you Cadavre xD
Then again, Beholder is around sort of :smiley:
Sentinel still has it up on me thanks to the scripts he has.
I have none xD

I was going to say something else, but I forgot. :frowning:

[QUOTE=Cadavre;6740]Might aswell make your PW the Graal Reborn official if you don’t mind changing the name. You could put Sublime as GAT and tell him what graphics to do for you. :smiley: All we need after that is more decent scripters and level-makers.[/QUOTE]
Yes yes lets just all kick Agret out, hmmph!

[QUOTE=Agret;6791]Yes yes lets just all kick Agret out, hmmph![/QUOTE]

Don’t worry Agret! I’ll make a tileset and a special room for you to play in. It will have foam and bubble wrap flooring. Foam/padded walls and ceiling. Nothing inside though because you may hurt yourself having so much fun :smiley:

No worries Agret xD

[QUOTE=Agret;6791]Yes yes lets just all kick Agret out, hmmph![/QUOTE]
Make something happen then. :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=Agret;6791]Yes yes lets just all kick Agret out, hmmph![/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Nalin;6760]And if Beholder and I ever worked together, the entire community would burn in flames. Burn in flames.[/QUOTE]

Aye, I have experience in lighting entire communities on fire. Used to run around on Babylon with a flame thrower all the time.