Oh noes my ganis!

i think because im using an older client or somthing, (i'm sure this will be a usefull topic and that others will have the same problem) hats keep dissapearing whenever people do anything but stand still.

So i need someone who dosn't have this problem to post all the human2_whatever.gani s please. :frowning:

Re: Oh noes my ganis!


Rule Four. No double-triple posts. No re-bumping your topic until seven days later.

Re: Oh noes my ganis!

Wow that link certainly didn't last long.

Re: Oh noes my ganis!

Chances could also be that we have spies and they got it removed, your link didn't even last 3 hours.

Re: Oh noes my ganis!


Re: Oh noes my ganis!

I call “man hands” in frame 1, sidenote, thats just wrong. hahaha

Re: Oh noes my ganis!

: - (