Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

Glas will take control of hirings on maloria and stuff i will be working on maloria and also the next project server after maloria is graal kingdoms and its going to probably be a few years before graal kingdoms will hit graal reborn because its going to need lots of fixes etc if we make it we just need the whole server and need someone to fix everything in offline mode and send the graal kingdoms in zip form to [email protected] or [email protected] thank you

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

Graal Kingdoms is totally NPC Server dependent and our GServers do not have gmap compatability yet.

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

Too add, our gserver ain't even stable enough yet.

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

That, and ain't is not a word o_o
But hooyah. The GServer still needs more things to be mapped, and thats only done by trial and error. the prop 77, I would still like to know just what the hell that is so we can map it! >:(

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

ain't [e?nt]

  1. Nonstandard except in some dialects. am not; are not; is not.
  2. Nonstandard. have not; has not; do not; does not; did not.


Smart-assery for the win!

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

[quote=Beholder ]do not have gmap compatability yet.

we don't? Well we should do that sometime then.

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

we don't? Well we should do that sometime then.

Theres a specific packet sent when a player changes a level horizontally, and another for vertically, thats all I know about it because I haven't probed further.

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

so if you found what that one thing is and you started we would have an npc server by now?

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

I believe last I heard they needed to create a script parser for an npc server. Something to handle all the gscript code.

Re: Okay I am starting a project i need all the help i can get and so does glas

no, gmap support and coding an npc-server are entirely different.
NPC-Server would be a HUGE task, gmap not so huge.