Player Follower

I have created a very nice player follower, but it does not work, and I was told it was because I had no NPC Server… Is that true? I know it works, because on my old Server with Graal Online it was working, but now it doesn't. All it does is always follows me when I tell it to follow someone.

Re: Player Follower


Re: Player Follower

Well its kind of hard for anyone to say anything without seeing the script. However, if its to follow people between levels, then yes, definately needs an NPC server. If its just grabbing focus on a player in a local level, then it should be possible, all depends on the script.

You say it worked on your own server with graal online - if that was an official server, then ofcourse it would, those had npc servers. They're also currently using a newer version of GScript. If it worked on 1.39, then I don't know, and I doubt anyone can say much else (without providing a script of their own) without you revealling the script yourself.

Re: Player Follower

Does anyone know when we will get the NPC Server functioning? And thanks for the help.

It was about 3 years ago on a graal online server. Does anyone have a player follower script that works? I can send anyone who wants to help with mine the script to see it I just dont want it taken by everone.

Re: Player Follower

NPC server is a lot of work to do. The core part of it is fairly minor (that is, integrating it with the server), however a procedural parser needs to be made to read the scripts, then convert them into commands the NPC server will execute. Noone here really knows how to handle that yet, and even when they do its likely to be buggy or not work as the proper one (at least to begin with).

Honestly, theres no guantee theres ever going to be one. Either cope without or try contributing to development yourself. I myself have little to no experience working with c++ so I certainly won't be, but then, I'm not complaining about lack of the NPC server and i'm impressed with the server as it is.

Re: Player Follower

I understand and I was just kinda pondering. I know that the C++ people here like Joey and Cadavre (i think he knows C++) are busy with more important things and can only handle so much. I was just commenting that it would be pretty nice.

Re: Player Follower

Well I'm sure they'd love to implement the NPC server themselves :stuck_out_tongue: But it'll take time to even get into testing, let alone a public released working model, then time to sort out bugs. Hell, the GServer itself is missing out some key features, so at the moment its just a waiting game. The RC would be far more useful at this point anyways than the NPC server.

Re: Player Follower

Point accepted. Lol. By fixing the RC would that possibly fix the FTP so that folders could be opened, level edited, and saved directly back on server? ???

Re: Player Follower

I'm guessing so.

Re: Player Follower

What other functions are hoped to be included in the new RC? I remember a long time ago when I had a server, that there were many more buttons (lol).

Re: Player Follower

Honestly I have no idea, I don't even have the old RC, just the source for the qt based RC from the svn.
I'm guessing there'd be ftp / file maintence (uploading files, viewing whats on the server and being able to delete, based on admin rights).
Also account management, allowing you to change the settings of users. Possibly hooks into the NPC server? Restarting the GServer, managing settings, etc.

The RC itself isn't much, just management software. Copying the interface is the pain, with all the qt stuff thats had to be done. Oh, and ftp protocols, but thats not 'too' hard itself, plenty of documentation out there.

Re: Player Follower

OK thanks. :slight_smile: I'm excited lol.

Re: Player Follower

i used to have a player follower script that worked on a gmap even … way on back in sanstrata … it was for this 'pet' npc that could follow you around, not followplayer … somethin custom … if i ever find it i can post it

Re: Player Follower

that would truly be interesting to see