I've only seen it once along time ago and have totally forgotten:
How can I set player propertys to the server?
EG: setplayerprop #3,image.png;
(that will change it on clientside but not actually update the server with the required information so others won't see you with the images I set :x) looking around about it but if someone replies first <3 much appreciation.
Ah so it should just be sending the correct attribute to the other players if I have the folder config in order and the image on the server? Otherwise its a current bug? I've made sure the image is on the server, the folder config is all pathed correctly, No dice so far ;(
Checked server images (all there and in right places)
Checked the folderconfiguration, should be working.
The reason I ask this is because I am currently setting up my server to run new ganis and images for a player,
Using the Kingdoms images and ganis untill I personally change them all, yet when I log on with a friend he cannot see my head image and ect.
I checked the playerattributes on the RC and found that it wasn't updating the images in their propertys.
So I thought its either a script error on my part with setting the playerprops or the server wasn't properly updating the info on the attribute page.
Well its more then just head image,
Its replaceani idle,human2_idle;
(and all the others walk->human2_walk, grab, pull, push ect)
and that in conjunction with:
setplayerprop #3,dshead1.png;
'' #8,kmbody100.png;
I tried it on Gserver Build 54 and 56,
Outcomes are that Build 54 the ganis work and the players are animated properly but the #P6 (arms file for the human2 ganis) doesn't show so the players are armless.
Build 56 all the images seem to be showing but the ganis wont set correctly its as if the server isn't sending in the packet to refresh a players current animation, something must have been changed somewhere from Build 54 to Build 56 which made this happen, otherwise I am just horribly unlucky and some little thing on my server is causing this whole mess, I guess I'll reinstall the Server again and try slowly changing bits and see if I get lucky :x lol
I have every human2_name.gani on my server, lol in the ganis folder, and my folderconfig points to file 'ganis/*.gani' its all there for it to work, Oh and the arms don't show there for #P6 isn't being sent from the server to client? (#P6 = gani attribute 6)
Theres still a 'chance' that there may be an error within some parts of how the higher params/attrs are handled. (Which in turn may be bugging lots of other things)
Good news is that the new build of the server 57 in testing has shown that the animations are working from player to player but more testing will be needed